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Mária Pletková MIDSUMMER NIGHT. It is night from 23 to 24 june. It is the longest night and the shortest day in year. It is original religious holiday.

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Presentation on theme: "Mária Pletková MIDSUMMER NIGHT. It is night from 23 to 24 june. It is the longest night and the shortest day in year. It is original religious holiday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mária Pletková MIDSUMMER NIGHT

2 It is night from 23 to 24 june. It is the longest night and the shortest day in year. It is original religious holiday to mark the celebration of the summer solstice, which comes from the Celtic or Celtic- Germanic tradition that has endorsed and Slavs. The Christian church with these pagan festivities tried to suppress: 24th June therefore dedicated to John the Baptist (hence the present name). Still, some of the rituals preserved to this day and have become part of popular folklore. These include jumping through fire or throwing wreaths into the water. WHAT IS IT?

3 In the past, soon after daybreak sold in the markets of the fabled mandrake, which allegedly led to conjure love loved. Herbs that ripped in the Midsummer Night is called "A Midsummer pepper". Had special healing power. People believed that the plants blooming in John have the magic power and before sunrise the says heralds the human language and tells about how will cure the disease. The most famous herb is golden fern flower that blooms only on Midsummer Night. Reportedly bring happiness and makes a person invisible. Even shows where. OLD SUPERSTITIONS

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