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Mike Gibbons.  My plan is to establish an armory for MSF and similar organizations, such as Paul Farmer’s.  I could accomplish this through two venues:

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Gibbons.  My plan is to establish an armory for MSF and similar organizations, such as Paul Farmer’s.  I could accomplish this through two venues:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Gibbons

2  My plan is to establish an armory for MSF and similar organizations, such as Paul Farmer’s.  I could accomplish this through two venues:  Collecting yesterday’s technology from various firms and clinics in the first world  Developing situation specific technologies designed for use in war torn and poverty stricken third world countries.  I would then distribute theses tools as needed to the professionals located around the world  See ature=related to see a short summary of MSF’s mission and works. ature=related

3  There are three main types of equipment necessary for delivering healthcare:  “Disposable”- Syringes, tongue depressors  “Basic”- Stethoscopes, scalpels, beds  “High Tech”- Imaging, monitoring devices  My focus would be on providing “basic” to “high tech” equipment, because it is harder to acquire and more expensive than “disposable” equipment.

4  I could go over with whatever equipment was being delivered and train the on-site workers in using it. I would also train them in how to fix basic malfunctions.  In the same trip, I could find out what kind of new gadgets, or variations of traditional ones I might design or modify to help the on-site workers to better serve their patients.

5  Given the extreme conditions and situations that MSF workers must deal with daily, new variants of developed technology are often necessary, and sometimes entirely new devices are required.  With a background in biomed engineering, I would be able to adapt and develop technologies based on the needs of the doctors in the field

6  My plan from here is to get a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and an M.S. in Engineering. My specialization would determine what area, design or acquisition and maintenance, would be my most valuable asset to MSF and other organizations.  I feel like I can’t go wrong, because no matter what I do in the field I will be helping to develop better ways of keeping people healthy.

7        ar/ ar/

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