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Request approval to proceed to EMC with 2014 Tar-Pamlico River Basin Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Request approval to proceed to EMC with 2014 Tar-Pamlico River Basin Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Request approval to proceed to EMC with 2014 Tar-Pamlico River Basin Plan

2 Outline General Statute requirements Intro to Tar-Pamlico Basin Estuary status TMDL goals Upstream Subbasin Trends NSW Strategy update Recommendations Additional Information

3 § 143-215.8B a.The Commission shall develop and implement a basinwide water quality management plan for each of the 17 major river basins in the State. … b.Each basinwide water quality management plan shall: 1) Provide that all point sources and nonpoint sources of pollutants jointly share the responsibility of reducing the pollutants… 2) If any of the waters located within the river basin are designated as nutrient sensitive waters, then the basinwide water quality management plan shall establish a goal to reduce the average annual mass load of nutrients… c.The Commission shall review and revise its 17 basinwide water quality management plans at least every 10 years … e.A basinwide water quality management plan is not a rule and Article 2A of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes does not apply to the development of basinwide water quality management plans. … NC General Statute Chapter 143, Article 21

4 Statute Requirements Requirement of Basinwide Water Quality Plans State Water Supply Plan Required for EMC Approval §143-215.8B(a) (1) All activities across a river basin and all point sources and nonpoint sources of pollutants §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) municipal wastewater facilities Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) industrial wastewater systems Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) septic tank systems Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) stormwater management systems Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) golf courses Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) farms that use fertilizers and pesticides for crops Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) public and commercial lawns and gardens Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) atmospheric deposition Yes §143-215.8B(a)§143-215.8B(a)(1) animal operations Yes §143- 215.8B(a)(2) All transfers into and from a river basin that are required to be registered under G.S. 143-215.22H. Yes §143- 215.8B(b)(1) Provide that all point sources and nonpoint sources of pollutants jointly share the responsibility of reducing the pollutants in the State's waters in a fair, reasonable, and proportionate manner, using computer modeling and the best science and technology reasonably available and considering future anticipated population growth and economic development. Yes §143- 215.8B(b)(2) If any of the waters located within the river basin are designated as nutrient sensitive waters, then the basinwide water quality management plan shall establish a goal to reduce the average annual mass load of nutrients that are delivered to surface waters within the river basin from point and nonpoint sources. The Commission shall establish a nutrient reduction goal for the nutrient or nutrients of concern that will result in improvements to water quality such that the designated uses of the water, as provided in the classification of the water under G.S. 143- 214.1(d), are not impaired. The plan shall require incremental progress toward achieving the goal. In developing the plan, the Commission shall determine and allow appropriate credit toward achieving the goal for reductions of water pollution by point and nonpoint sources through voluntary measures. Yes

5 Tar-Pamlico River Basin 2014 Use Support

6 2014 Chlorophyll a Standard Violations

7 Estuary Chlorophyll a Exceedence vs. Flow

8 Trends Analyses Seasonal Kendall Flow- adjusted Concentrations Flow-normalized Load Estimates LOADEST- annual load

9 TP Load at Grimesland TMDL GOAL: No increase in TP from 1991 Target = 396,832 lbs/yr Mean 579,692 lbs/yr (LOADEST) Mean 567,000 lbs/yr (Flow-normalized load)

10 TN Load at Grimesland TMDL GOAL: 30% reduction in TN from 1991 Target = 3,000,491 lbs/yr Mean 4,593,624 lbs/yr (LOADEST) Mean 4,700,000 lbs/yr (Flow-normalized Load)

11 Seasonal Kendall Flow-Adjusted Concentration Percent Change Water Quality Constituents mg/L Upper Tar River Fishing Creek Tar River at Tarboro Chicod Creek Grimesland Ammonia (NH3) *- 39 %- 41 %- 38 %- 33% Nitrate-Nitrite (NOx) - 160 %- 58 %- 42 %- 57 %- 22% Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) + 37 %+ 60 %+ 44 %*+ 55% Total Nitrogen (TN) *+ 36 %**+ 11% Total Phosphorus (TP) + 36%**** * No Trend

12 Loads vs. Watershed Size

13 NSW Report Trend Analyses Details Review of NSW Strategy & progress Identifies additional sources Recommendations & Needs - Groundwater - Atmospheric deposition - BMP efficiencies - Ag nutrient accounting - Existing development nutrient loads - Estuary nutrient cycling

14 Public Comments Farm Bureau – BOC resource limited – Request additional potential source information Pamlico Tar Foundation – Minimal flow requirements to protect designated uses – Revise TMDL and NSW strategy to reallocate wasteload allocations

15 Basin Plan Website

16 Interactive Maps

17 Water Quantity

18 Water Demand Planning Water SystemAvg Demand (MGD) 2010Avg Demand (MGD) 2030Avg Demand (MGD) 2060 Franklinton0.3Adequate0.4Adequate0.5Adequate Franklin County2.4Adequate5.3Adequate11.4Adequate Louisburg0.6Adequate0.6Adequate0.9Adequate Rocky Mount10.2Adequate12.3Needs further investigation 15.2Needs further investigation Enfield0.5Adequate0.6Adequate0.6Adequate Tarboro2.8Adequate3.6Adequate4.9Adequate Greenville Utilities Comm. 11.4Adequate18.1Adequate42.2Adequate

19 Subbasin & Watershed Assessments

20 Request for to proceed to EMC with the Final Tar-Pamlico River Basin Plan in Accordance to General Statute 143.215.8B

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