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Philosophy as 3 Streams of Thought Gordon I. Swanson n Philosophical Stream n Theistic Stream n Socio-Economic Stream.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy as 3 Streams of Thought Gordon I. Swanson n Philosophical Stream n Theistic Stream n Socio-Economic Stream."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy as 3 Streams of Thought Gordon I. Swanson n Philosophical Stream n Theistic Stream n Socio-Economic Stream

2 Philosophic Stream n Origin: ancient Greece n Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch n Characterized by: – unswerving commitment to standards – pursuit of truth – democracy, freedom, liberty – focus on society

3 Theistic Stream n Origin: Judeo-Christian tradition n Focus on the individual n Places high value on work (for the individual) n “Work” has intrinsic merit

4 Socio-Economic Stream n Origin: England – The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith, 1776 n Explained why some nations (peoples) were more favored than others.

5 Socio-Economic Stream n Justified English social conditions: – caste system – elitism – segregation n Classical economic theory became social theory n Justified differences as “natural law” n Focus: rich stay rich, poor stay poor

6 American Society: A Confluence of Streams n All streams contribute to American society / culture n The forces which create the fabric of American culture are constantly in competition / flux n They affect society’s decision in politics, business, schools, government.

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