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MEXICO Chapter 5 Review for Test. This is the current president of Mexico. Nieto.

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Presentation on theme: "MEXICO Chapter 5 Review for Test. This is the current president of Mexico. Nieto."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEXICO Chapter 5 Review for Test

2 This is the current president of Mexico. Nieto

3 This is the climate zone where most Mexicans live (temperate). tierra templada

4 This person defeated the Aztecs. Cortes

5 This is high flat land. plateau

6 This is land that is surrounded mostly by water. peninsula

7 This is another name for an invention. innovation

8 This is a person who is part Spanish and part Native American. mestizo

9 This is a narrow strip of land that connects larger land bodies. isthmus

10 This is the type of government in Mexico. presidential democracy

11 This word means festival. fiesta

12 This is the name for a complex culture. civilization

13 This is the climate zone that is hot. tierra caliente

14 These are the two major peninsulas in Mexico. Baja and Yucatan

15 This is a U.S. factory in Mexico. maquiladora

16 This is the first civilization in Mexico. Olmecs

17 This is a rugged mountain range. sierra

18 This is a religious teacher. missionary

19 This means to attach or take over a country. annex

20 This is the “Abraham Lincoln” of Mexico. Benito Juarez

21 This is the location of Mexico in relation to the United States. South

22 This is the largest religion in Mexico. Catholic


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