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What Is Organizational Behaviour?. What Managers Do Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals.

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Organizational Behaviour?. What Managers Do Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Organizational Behaviour?

2 What Managers Do Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals © PAPERHINT.COM

3 Where Managers Work © PAPERHINT.COM

4 Management Functions PlanningPlanningOrganizingOrganizingLeadingLeadingControllingControlling © PAPERHINT.COM

5 Management Functions (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

6 Management Functions (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

7 Management Functions (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

8 Management Functions (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

9 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles © PAPERHINT.COM

10 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

11 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

12 Management Skills © PAPERHINT.COM

13 Enter Organizational Behavior © PAPERHINT.COM

14 Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field © PAPERHINT.COM

15 Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

16 Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

17 Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

18 Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

19 Why Do We Study OB?  To learn about yourself and how to deal with others  You are part of an organization now, and will continue to be a part of various organizations  Organizations are increasingly expecting individuals to be able to work in teams, at least some of the time  Some of you may want to be managers or entrepreneurs © PAPERHINT.COM

20 What Is an Organization?  A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of a group of people, which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. © PAPERHINT.COM

21 Challenges Facing the Workplace Workplace Organizational Level Productivity Developing Effective Employees Global Competition Managing in the Global Village Group Level Working With Others Workforce Diversity Individual Level Job Satisfaction Empowerment Behaving Ethically © PAPERHINT.COM

22 Challenges and Opportunity for OB  Responding to Globalization  Managing Workforce Diversity  Improving Quality and Productivity  Responding to the Labor Shortage  Improving Customer Service © PAPERHINT.COM

23 Challenges and Opportunity for OB (cont’d)  Improving People Skills  Empowering People  Coping with “Temporariness”  Stimulation Innovation and Change  Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts  Improving Ethical Behavior © PAPERHINT.COM

24 Basic OB Model, Stage I © PAPERHINT.COM

25 The Dependent Variables x y © PAPERHINT.COM

26 The Dependent Variables (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

27 The Dependent Variables (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

28 The Dependent Variables (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

29 The Dependent Variables (cont’d) © PAPERHINT.COM

30 The Independent Variables Independent Variables Individual-Level Variables Organization System-Level Variables Group-Level Variables © PAPERHINT.COM

31 The Rigour of OB  OB looks at consistencies –What is common about behaviour, and helps predictability?  OB is more than common sense –Systematic study, based on scientific evidence  OB has few absolutes  OB takes a contingency approach –Considers behaviour in context © PAPERHINT.COM

32 Competing Values Framework Flexibility Control Internal Focus External Focus © PAPERHINT.COM

33 Competing Values Framework  Internal-External Dimension –Inwardly toward employee needs and concerns and/or production processes and internal systems or –Outwardly, toward such factors as the marketplace, government regulations, and the changing social, environmental, and technological conditions of the future  Flexibility-Control Dimension –Flexible and dynamic, allowing more teamwork and participation; seeking new opportunities for products and services or –Controlling or stable, maintaining the status quo and exhibiting less change © PAPERHINT.COM

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