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Continuation of the Mandate Prioritization Process Ad Hoc Working Group on the Strategic Vision of the OAS August 25, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuation of the Mandate Prioritization Process Ad Hoc Working Group on the Strategic Vision of the OAS August 25, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuation of the Mandate Prioritization Process Ad Hoc Working Group on the Strategic Vision of the OAS August 25, 2015

2 Political bodies CIDI CG CAJP CSH CAAP CISC Steps to follow PILLARS Democracy Human Rights Integral Development Multidimensional Security Administrative Management Institutional Strengthening Application of the Methodology for Prioritizing Mandates adopted by the Permanent Council

3 1. Reorganization by pillars of the mandates of the PC committees and CIDI

4 Category “A” mandates by pillar 58% of the mandates correspond to the Integral Development and Multidimensional Security pillars PILLARMANDATES% Democracy118% Human Rights1713% Integral Development4635% Multidimensional Security3023% Institutional Strengthening2116% Administrative Management54% TOTAL130100%

5 54% of the mandates correspond to 2013 and 2014 Category “A” mandates by year YEARMANDATES% 20144434% 20132620% 20122318% 2011129% 201032% 200943% 200832% 200775% 200686% TOTAL130100%

6 Category “A” mandates by pillar and year

7 2. Application of the mandate prioritization methodology (a) Does the mandate contribute to the fulfillment of elements of the Strategic Vision?

8 Prioritization Methodology: Factors to consider Does the mandate contribute to the strengthening of democracy, promote or protect human rights, advance integral development, or foster multidimensional security, for the well-being with justice and social inclusion of the peoples of the Americas? If the answer is yes, the following factor should be evaluated. Strategic Vision Is the current position of the OAS unique, in the sense that it is able to fulfill the mandate more effectively and significantly than other organizations? To answer this question, the Impact of the Mandate and the Installed Capacity of the Organization should be taken into account. Overarching position

9 Prioritization Methodology: Factors to consider Does the mandate contribute to the strengthening of democracy, promote or protect human rights, advance integral development, or foster multidimensional security, for the well- being with justice and social inclusion of the peoples of the Americas? If the answer is yes, the following factor should be evaluated. Does the mandate contribute to the strengthening of democracy, promote or protect human rights, advance integral development, or foster multidimensional security, for the well- being with justice and social inclusion of the peoples of the Americas? If the answer is yes, the following factor should be evaluated. Strategic Vision

10 Prioritization Methodology: Strategic Vision Factor The Chair hereby submits a proposal for separating the mandates that contribute to the fulfillment of elements of the Strategic Vision from those that do not. The results of the exercise that the Chair submits for the consideration of the delegations are as follows:

11 Prioritization Methodology: Strategic Vision Factor 130 mandates

12 Prioritization Methodology: Strategic Vision Factor PILLARYESNOSUPERSEDEDTOTAL Democracy55111 Human Rights107017 Integral Development3312146 Multidimensional Security1910130 Institutional Strengthening119121 Administrative Management1315 TOTAL79465130

13 Mandates for applying the overarching factor by pillar 79 mandates

14 Prioritization Methodology: Overarching factor STEPS TO FOLLOW Analysis and validation by the delegations of the exercise proposed by the Chair. With the support of the General Secretariat, determine the overarching factor in the 79 mandates The General Secretariat will provide the necessary information for each mandate as regards impact and installed capacity. Working meetings will be held to discuss the mandates by pillar, according to the accompanying proposed work schedule submitted by the Chair to the delegations for their consideration. Once the Working Group concludes the process of prioritizing mandates by pillars, it will be in a position to begin designing four-year strategic plans for each pillar that include the following elements : Strategic Objectives Prioritized Mandates Strategic Lines of Action

15 Proposed Work Schedule WTHFMTW FMTW FMTW FMTW FMTW 262728311234789101114151617182122232425282930 1.- Validation of the prioritization exercise GS: Information gathering on impact and installed capacity, by mandate Analysis and validation of exercise by the delegations DEMOCRACY HUMAN RIGHTS INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT PILLAR SEPTEMBERAUGUST

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