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College Level US I.  As you group you will read the assigned section.  After each group member has a clear understanding of the content then proceed.

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1 College Level US I

2  As you group you will read the assigned section.  After each group member has a clear understanding of the content then proceed to the summary.  Please ask if you need clarification of the text.

3  Extra Credit:  Images/Maps included  Extra information  Summary (in PowerPoint format)should include but is not limited to:  Time period  Groups involved  The action/s that are taking place  Key individuals if named  Lasting outcome (may not be explicitly stated)

4  Revivals  Moral Reform  Penitentiaries and Asylums  Temperance  Public Schools  Engineering and Science  Mormons  Shakers  Oneidas, Owenties, and Fourierists  American Rensaissance

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