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Do Now Graph both of these functions on the same graph from –2 ≤ x ≤ 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Graph both of these functions on the same graph from –2 ≤ x ≤ 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Graph both of these functions on the same graph from –2 ≤ x ≤ 2.


3 From Yesterday… We graphed y = 2 x, on the same I graph I want you to make a table and graph the following function: y = 2 x + 2



6 In Our Calculators… Let’s look at: y = 2 x – 5 y = (1/3) x + 4 So we see that adding or subtracting a number from the right side of the equation shifts the whole graph either up or down.

7 * Challenge * y = 2 x See if you can change this equation around in your calculator to get the graph to shift to the right or left. Hint: You need to add or subtract a number from a different place in the equation than before.

8 Shifting Right or Left Let’s look at: y = 3 x+5 y = 3 x–7 y = (1/3) x+2 So we see that adding or subtracting a number from the exponent shifts the whole graph either right or left.

9 Changing a Yesterday we wrote down that the equation of an exponential function is So far we’ve only looked at graphs where a = 1

10 Changing a Try the following: y = 32 x y = 52 x y = (1/3)2 x y = (1/5)2 x On your own, see what happens to the graph when a is negative.

11 Quick Review To shift the graph up or down, add or subtract a number from the right side. To shift the graph right or left, add or subtract a number from the exponent. If a > 1, the graph increases or decreases quicker. If a is a fraction, the graph increases or decreases slower. If a is negative, the graph turns upside down.

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