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Week of Oct 28 to Nov 1.  Editing Journal  Chap 3.3 Timeline – The Revolutionary Period in France, notebook pg. 26?  Word Chart in class, finish for.

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Presentation on theme: "Week of Oct 28 to Nov 1.  Editing Journal  Chap 3.3 Timeline – The Revolutionary Period in France, notebook pg. 26?  Word Chart in class, finish for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week of Oct 28 to Nov 1

2  Editing Journal  Chap 3.3 Timeline – The Revolutionary Period in France, notebook pg. 26?  Word Chart in class, finish for HW, due tomorrow  Rubric for French Rev Project – DUE FRIDAY! HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions (3 ) and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5 (pg. 126) - On a SEPARATE PAPER - DUE FRIDAY!! Checking FLOW MAPS for project tomorrow!

3 1. the statue of liberty was dedicated by president grover cleveland on october 28 1886 some no it as liberty enlightening the world 2. dr jonas salk was born on october 28 1914 he is responsible for the polio vaccination 1. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland on October 28, 1886. Some know it as Liberty Enlightening the World. 2. Dr. Jonas Salk was born on October 28, 1914. He is responsible for the polio vaccination.

4 HW – Standards Check Questions (3 ) 1. (pg. 122) What occurred after radicals took control of the assembly? 2. (pg. 124) Why did Robespierre think the Terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the Revolution? 3. (pg. 126) What changes occurred after the reign of terror came to an end? These and Questions 3 -5 on pg. 126, all due FRIDAY!

5 Assignment - Create a word chart with the pictures and definitions of the words from Chap 3.3 found in your textbook pg.121

6 Don’t forget the project is due FRIDAY!

7 The Revolutionary Period in France, notebook pg. 25

8  Editing Journal  Period 5 and 6 – Collect Word Chart  Stamp FLOW MAPS for project  Period 1 and 2 Collect Chap 3.2 Wordsearch  Chap 3.3 notes, notebook pg. 26  Rubric for French Rev Project – DUE MONDAY! HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions (3 ) and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5 (pg. 126) - On a SEPARATE PAPER - DUE FRIDAY!!

9 1. the stock market crashed on october 29 1929 this day known as black tuesday signaled the beginning of the great depression 2. the first trucking service started on october 29 1904 it hawled goods between colorado city colorado and snyder texas 1. The Stock Market crashed on October 29, 1929. This day, known as Black Tuesday, signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. 2. The first trucking service started on October 29, 1904. It hauled goods between Colorado City, Colorado and Snyder, Texas.


11 The Revolutionary Period in France, notebook pg. 25

12 1. What event happened on Aug 10., 1792? 2. What is suffrage? 1. A mob storms the castle and kills the guards. Radicals take control over the assembly and call for a new legislative body, the National Convention. 2. After the storming of the palace, the right to vote was given to all male citizens, not just land owers.

13 August 10, 1792, attack on the Palace of Tuileries

14 3. What happened on the September, 1792 assembly? 4. Standards Check (pg. 122): What occurred after radicals took control of the assembly? 1. A month later, this convention was more radical than before. Voted to end the monarchy and establish a republic. The king was put on trial as a traitor and beheaded. In October, Marie Antoinette was also executed by guillotine. 2. They called for a new legislative body, extended the right to vote to all male citizens, established a republic and executed the king and queen. The execution of Louis XVI

15 Read: The Royal Family in Prison. Be prepared to answer these questions 1. Who was the only surviving member of the royal family? 2. In what ways were the royal family harassed by the guards? 3. How can you tell that Marie’s daughter has respect for her? 4. How did the young prince finally die? 5. Do you think it was right for the king and queen to be executed? Give reasons for and against. 6. Do you think it is okay to give the death penalty if the crime is serious enough? What are reasons some state do not have the death penalty (California does)

16  Editing Journal  Chap 3.3 notes, notebook pg. 27  Rubric for French Rev Project – DUE MONDAY! HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions (3 ) and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5 (pg. 126) - On a SEPARATE PAPER - DUE FRIDAY!!

17 1. john adams are second presidant was born on october 30 1735 his sun john quincy adams was our six presidant 2.on october 30 1938 a live radio program presented a play based on the book war of the worlds which described the invasion of earth by martins people who tuned into the program late thought it was a real news broadcast and began to panic 1. John Adams, our second president, was born on October 30, 1735. His son, John Quincy Adams, was our sixth president. 2. On October 30, 1938, a live radio program presented a play based on the book War of the Worlds, which described the invasion of Earth by Martians. People who tuned into the program late thought it was a real news broadcast and began to panic.

18 5. What was the Committee of Public Safety? Notebook pg.27 6. Who was Robespierre, “The Incorruptible”? 5. 12 members in charge of trails and executions. Prepared France for an all out war spreading “Freedom Fever” to other parts of Europe. 6. Shrewd Jacobin lawyer who led the Committee of Public Safety. At first promoted general will and religious tolerance, but later started the Reign of Terror.

19 7. What was the Reign of Terror? 8. Why did Robespierre think the terror was necessary to achieve the goal of the revolution? Standards Check pg. 124 7. Lasted from September 1792 to July 1793. Courts held trials for people who resisted the Revolution. Many falsely accused. Over 17,00 people were beheaded by the guillotine. 8. Robespierre believed terror was necessary to deal with the enemies of the revolution.

20 8. What happened during the third stage of the Revolution? 9. What changes occurred after the Reign of Terror came to an end? Standards Check pg. 125 8. Moderates write another constitution in 1795. This is the third constitution since 1789. The Constituion of 1795 creates a five man directory. The Driectory hols power from 1795 to 1799. 9.

21  Editing Journal, collect tomorrow  Period 1 and 2 – last day for computers!  Chap 3.3 Summary cut and paste pg. 28 Questions 1 and 2 History of Halloween, Quests 1 – 9 Dia de Los Muertos Masks  French Rev Project – DUE MONDAY! HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5 (pg. 126) - On a SEPARATE PAPER - DUE TOMORROW!!

22  Editing Journal, collect tomorrow  Chap 3.3 Summary cut and paste pg. 28 Questions 1 and 2  Work on book pages for project – Per 5 and 6  French Rev Project – DUE MONDAY! Dia de Los Muertos Masks HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5 (pg. 126) - On a SEPARATE PAPER - DUE TOMORROW!!

23 1. nevada became the thirty six state on october 31 1864 2. today is national magic day harry houdini the great escape artist died on october 31 1926 1. Nevada became the thirty-sixth state on October 31, 1864. 2. Today is National Magic Day! Harry Houdini, the great escape artist, died on October 31, 1926.

24  Collect Editing Journal  Collect HW – Chap 3.3 Standards Check Questions and Section 3 Assessment questions 3 – 5  Chap 3.3 QUIZ  Dia De Los Muertos  The French Rev Project – DUE MONDAY!  Youth and Law – Letter writing for President Elementary


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