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Essential Question What is culture?. Culture consists of the patterns of behavior and thinking that human beings living in social groups learn, create,

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What is culture?. Culture consists of the patterns of behavior and thinking that human beings living in social groups learn, create,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What is culture?

2 Culture consists of the patterns of behavior and thinking that human beings living in social groups learn, create, and share.

3 Culture includes….. beliefsrules of behavior language rituals arttools styles of dress ways of preparing food religion political systems technology economic systems

4 People who share a common culture form a society.

5 Culture and society are similar ideas; many species of animals live in social groups (such as herds, prides, pods, or schools).

6 ANTHROPOLOGISTS (Greek anthropos = man ology = study of) Scientists who study the behavior of people in social groups say that…

7 Only humans have culture... which has developed because of their complex brain free thumb vocal tract that can make a wide range of sounds.

8 Characteristics of Culture 1)Culture is based on SYMBOLS (not cymbals!)

9 2) Culture is SHARED People in a society have common ways of thinking and behaving.

10 3) Culture is LEARNED not inherited from others in the society

11 4) Culture is ADAPTIVE… In helping people adjust to changing environments *Ice Age –Hunter-gatherer *Agricultural Revolution *Industrial Revolution *Technology Revolution *And NOW?????

12 CULTURAL DIFFUSION spread of ideas, knowledge, skills, and behavior from one culture to another. How does this occur?

13 Cultural diffusion occurs by… WAR MIGRATION …or any other contact TRADE

14 Paths of Cultural Diffusion Immigrant – a person who moves into another country. (Remember I = Into) Emigrant – a person who leaves or exits a country. (Remember E=Exit)

15 ACCULTURATION People may borrow aspects of another culture as a result of long-term contact with another society. They begin to adopt these ideas as they become more comfortable with them and they begin to seem less strange. THINK BLUE JEANS, BURGERS, and JAZZ!

16 Civilizations are cultures that have developed advanced technology and complex economic, government, and social systems. Civilizations came about when humans started living in cities. Every human being lives in a culture, but not all live in civilizations.

17 Let’s trace some major steps in the development of human culture to major civilizations.

18 Earliest Prehistoric Man Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) Prehistory means before written history. 1 million years BC. Africa Stone tools Hunter-gatherers Nomads Discovery of FIRE 500,000 BC

19 Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) New Stone Age (Neolithic) 8000 BC-3000 BC Villages Domestic animals Beginning of Farming (Agricultural Revolution) Food surplus (extra) for trade

20 Beginning of Written History 4,000 BC Sumeria – Tigris-Euphrates River Valley Professional scribes become record keepers for the king, Academics was very upper class in the hierarchy. First schools set up to train scribes

21 First Cities – New Stone Age 3500 BC Farming brought surplus People switched from farming to other types of work: artisan, potter, weaver division of labor Social Classes developed Wheel invented = trade

22 Cuneiform Writing of Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates River Valley Wedge-shaped writing – oldest known The concept of “zero” 360° circle 60 minute hour

23 In Ancient Mesopotamia Ziggurats Clay pipes for sewage Grand cities with Hanging Gardens City states with their own king and government Codification of Laws

24 Ancient China’s Contributions Architectural ideas Civil Service System Religious creeds Values and ethics Art and pottery Seismograph Silk and dyes Great Wall Shi Huangdi’s Great Wall

25 Egypt’s Contributions Engineering discoveries and architectural genius Religion and government brought order to society Government bureaucracies Art, paper and written language

26 As cities grew and civilizations progressed… People needed… Dependable water supply Safe shelter, protection Places for surplus food Places to petition gods Order in society Beauty They developed… Dikes and irrigation facilities Walled cities, armies Storage buildings Places of worship Governments Art

27 As civilizations became more sophisticated, keeping time and records was an essential development. Western civilizations set up their calendars in relation to the birth of Christ: BC = Before Christ AD=Anno domini (Latin for “the year of our Lord”) You may also use the following: BCE = Before the CE =Common Era Common Era

28 Computing time spans is not difficult. BC or BCE AD or CE (before Christ’s birth) (after Christ’s birth) If you stay on one side of the line, subtract the smaller from the larger number. If you cross the line, add the two numbers.

29 Let’s try a problem... How many years from 200 BC to AD 420? Since these dates cross the birth line, you will________. That’s right: 200 + 420 = 620 years. How many years from 1776 to 1985? Since these dates are both on the right side of the birth line, _________ the smaller from the larger. That’s right: 1985 – 1776 = 209 years

30 Human beings - their cultures and civilizations - have had an enormous impact on the earth. Look at the graph on the next slide, consider the term “exponential growth,” and discuss some of the effects of man’s presence on our planet.

31 Note the change in RATE of population growth, as we enter the latest three centuries. During what century did the most exponential growth occur?

32 Our Responsibility? As you saw in the preceding slide, we, as humans, have an enormous and lasting impact on our earth. We human citizens have an individual and collective responsibility to each other. Each day it is essential that we – as individuals and as members of our culture – be conscious of how we are using our precious and limited resources. By our daily actions, we are determining the type of earth we will leave to the coming generations.

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