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Algeria Alberto Flores. Country Profile Name of country: Algeria Current Leader: Abdelaziz Boutetlika Colonized by: France Date of Independence: 1962.

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Presentation on theme: "Algeria Alberto Flores. Country Profile Name of country: Algeria Current Leader: Abdelaziz Boutetlika Colonized by: France Date of Independence: 1962."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algeria Alberto Flores

2 Country Profile Name of country: Algeria Current Leader: Abdelaziz Boutetlika Colonized by: France Date of Independence: 1962

3 Map of your country

4 Conflicts with other African nations Algeria and Moroccan borders remain an irritant as the country accuse one an another for smuggling arm guns

5 Problems inside African nation 2000- Attack on civilians by security forces 2005- Government report says security forces are responsible for missing 6,000 civilians

6 Economic Profile Africa GDP:$160.3billions GDP per capita $7,300 Population living below poverty: 23% Unemployment rate: 10% United States GDP:$14.66 trillion GDP per capita: $47,200 Population Living below poverty: 15.1 Unemployment rate: 9.6%

7 Demographic Profile Algeria Population: 34,994,937 Population growth rate: 1.173% Average life Expectancy: M.72.78 years F.76.78 Birth Rate per 1,000: 16.69/1,000 Death Rate per 1,000: 4.69 deaths/1,000 School life Expectancy M/F M, 13 years F.13 years Population living with AIDS/HIV / Death L. 18,000/ less than 1,000 United States Population: 313,232,044 Population growth rate: 0.963 Average Life Expectancy M/F M- 75.92 F-80.93 Birth rate per 1,000: 13.83/1,000 Death per rates: 8.38 deaths/1,000\ Literacy rate M/F M-99% F-99% School life Expectncy: M:15 years F:17 years

8 Journal Write 9 Living in my African country isn’t all that bad compare to the USA. My country is actually half and half with the USA. The US has school life expectancy with males going to school for 15 years and female going for 17 years. Algeria both females and males goes to school for 13 years. Algeria Life Expectancy for males are 72 years and for females they live up to 76 years. The US their males live up to 75 years. Their females live up to 80 years. The US GDP is $14.66 trillions. Algeria GDP is $160.3 billions. The GDP per Capita for Algerians are $7,300. The Americans GDp per capita is $47,200.

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