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DT UPGRADE STRATEGY M.Dallavalle for the DT Collaboration 6/26/12 Muon IB1.

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Presentation on theme: "DT UPGRADE STRATEGY M.Dallavalle for the DT Collaboration 6/26/12 Muon IB1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DT UPGRADE STRATEGY M.Dallavalle for the DT Collaboration 6/26/12 Muon IB1

2 The DT plan for the future started in 2009 It covers from 2013 up to LS3 Physics target: warrant the same excellent performance while LHC “grows” up LS1 2013 is the first step of a long-term strategy Improve robustness and longevity Improve flexibility to adapt to new conditions and to exploit new possibilites »In particular for the TRIGGER 6/26/12 Muon IB2 Learn from Today’s system: what & why improve

3 Nowadays: System overview 6/26/12 Muon IB3 Sector collector TRBs

4 6/26/12 Muon IB4 Studies with single-hits show that the tubes can stand the LHC environment

5 Aging of Minicrate electronics 6/26/12 Muon IB5 On-chamber Minicrates contain TDCs and trigger ASICs. BTIs date back to mid 1990s. Boards have been tested for at-least 10 years of LHC at 10^34 Hz/cm2. BTIM of Trigger Boards contain 4 BTI dies: bonds are sensitive to thermal stress during switch on/off. Current stock of spares is a potential issue. Conclusion: Minicrates can survive until LS3 provided we reinforce our stock of BTIMs

6 DTTF *BTIM functionality ported to rad-hard FPGA and new THETA TRB being produced. These will replace the old THETA TRBs in MB1 and MB2 of the external wheels (+2,-2) * Cannibalize retrieved BTIM for reparation of PHI TRBs C. F. Bedoya May 22nd, 2012 6 Trigger in the theta view BTIM technology obsolete=> migrate to FPGA 6/26/12 Muon IB6

7 Minicrates in LS3 The electronics will be 30 years old It has been designed for using HDL and the functionality can be transported to New more performing technologies –See theta TRB replacement as an example However, the connections of Minicrates and the other system boxes constitute a bottleneck of the system: change to optical fibers as much as possible 6/26/12 Muon IB7

8 Sector Collector limitations In particular, the flow of Minicrate data goes through the Sector Collectors (one per wheel) in the detector towers and this is a limit to the connectivity of the minicrates and constitute potential single failure points, given the limited access to UXC Move the SC to USC: connect all Minicrates to USC with optical fibers 6/26/12 Muon IB8

9 System overview after LS1 6/26/12 Muon IB9 New TSC 2016-2017? UXC USC Sector collector DTTF

10 New opportunities with all chamber trigger data in USC The optical fibers from the Minicrates can be split and offer input for running a new system in parallel to the current. At trigger level can test new algorithms exploiting single chamber (or even single Super-Layer) triggers in the difficult regions Can study new algorithms to improve redundancy with RPC (also available on fibers in USC). DT/RPC coincidence at station level can improve the BX ID in situations of high PU 6/26/12 Muon IB10

11 Trigger Track finding limitations The track finding algorithm requires trigger segments from at least 2 chambers along a muon track This is a problem at eta +0.25,-0.25, i.e. in the cracks between wheel 0 and wheel +1,-1 6/26/12 Muon IB11

12 Inefficiency btwn YB0 andYB+1,-1 6/26/12 Muon IB12

13 6/26/12 Muon IB13 another crack: The overlap region Perchaps coincidence of signals from single DT, CSC, RPC chambers can be exploited for improving the efficiency in difficult regions Trigger logics memo: CSCTF >= 3 CSC DTTF >= 2 DTs RPC 3of4 or 4of6 RPC Overlap DT&CSC, RPC not used

14 Muon Pt assignment in trigger 6/26/12 Muon IB14 LV1 HLT: Full TDC data; Standalone muon system;limited by multiple scattering HLT: tracker + mu ID will allow trigger thresholds =< 20 GeV

15 6/26/12 Muon IB15 DTTF Xsec (μb) DTTF η<0.8 DTTF η<1.2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 (Courtesy of C. Battilana (CIEMAT) )

16 LV1 Track finder with Muon + tracker extract selected tracker information and combine it with the muon system in order to produce a muon trigger at Level-1 6/26/12 Muon IB16 after SC relocation, some PIXEL information (outer layer preferentially) could already be used, if available, in 2017 Keep independence of the new tracker design. Define Region-of-Interest

17 R.o.I. for muon track Different possibilities: –The RoI can be defined by the muon system at a pre- Lv1 stage so that the load of data transfer from the tracker is reduced. This probably needs a new fast detector underneath MB1 stations with very rough (10-25 cm) position determination (MTT (CMS IN- 2007/058), Y.Erdogan’s talk at this morning’s DT upgrade session,) –The RoI can be defined at the Regional Level, using the DT trigger primitives to search the full tracker data (P.L.Zotto, DT part in upgrade Technical Proposal) –The RoI can be defined by the tracker searching in the muon primitives a matching segment to a tracker stub (with tracker pt above threshold) 6/26/12 Muon IB17

18 DT ugrade strategy in short 6/26/12 Muon IB18 PHASE 1 LS1 (2013-2014) Replacement of theta TRB (Trigger boards) : new TRBs use FPGAs; recuperate BTIMs as spares for R-phi TRBs * Relocation of Sector Collector from the cavern (UXC) to the counting room (USC): optical fibers to bring TDC data and trigger primitives from all chambers in USC PHASE 1 following steps (not strictly related to LHC shutdowns) (2015-2017): Exploit optical fibers bringing all chamber (trigger) data in USC for running also a concurrent system for track finding (may also use RPC, pixel?, …) * Replacement of DTTF (DT Track Finder) * Redesign of the TSC boards (Sector Collector trigger) * Redesign of the ROS boards (Sector Collector read-out) PHASE 2 (LS3) (2018 and beyond) * Insert connection with the tracker in the Level-1 trigger system (RoI) * Replacement of Minicrate electronics??

19 Conclusions 6/26/12 Muon IB19 …possibly….

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