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M. Mubila African Development Bank ICP-Africa objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Mubila African Development Bank ICP-Africa objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Mubila African Development Bank ICP-Africa objectives

2 2 ICP-Africa Aims: to strengthen Countries in the collection of statistical data for generating PPPs for cross-country economic comparisons to meet the urgent demand for reliable and timely data to support the monitoring of progress on the MDGs., PRSs, the NEPAD

3 3 ICP-Africa Country Specific Elements establishing the greatest possible synergy between the ICP data collection efforts and routine national statistical programs strengthening institutional capacity through technical and managerial training and assistance

4 4 ICP-Africa Country Specific Elements providing financial, technical and material assistance, including hardware and software for data collection, verification, and processing, promoting the use of data for policy making and monitoring of progress.

5 5 ICP-Africa: Sub-regional Level to assist the SROs in building up their internal capabilities for planning, executing and monitoring surveys in order to help countries. Four (4) SROs - AFRISTAT, COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC – have been selected to assist NSOs in ICP activities.

6 6 ICP-Africa: Participating Countries 48 out of 53 countries are confirmed participants 47 countries have started data collection 5 countries not participating (Algeria, Eritrea, Libya, Somalia and Seychelles) One country (Ethiopia) preparing

7 7 ICP Partners ADB (staff & consultants) SROs: AFRISTAT, COMESA, ECOWAS, SADC All participating countries International partners: The World Bank; INSEE-France; ONS- UK; Others

8 8 INSEE-FranceONS-UK World BankOthers Countries Tunisia, Morocco, Libya

9 9 Main activities (Price statistics) 1. Launching nationwide price collection 2. Collecting internationally comparable data 3. Enhancing international exchange of experiences 4. Integration of CPI & ICP ICP Africa:

10 10 Main activities (National accounts and oth.) 1. Assist countries to implement SNA93 2. Disaggregating GDP expenditures 3. Comparing expenditure data internationally 4. Enhancing international comparability of data 5. GDP breakdown methodology - seminar in September 2005 ICP Africa:

11 11 Main Activities (Capacity Building) Supporting countries to design NSDS Support the implementation of NSDS

12 12 Status of Implementation Countries have started submitting price data Sub-regional Workshops on Data Quality Control have been organised Addis Ababa Workshop to brief consultants for NSDS

13 13 The way forward Long term perspective:  ICP as integrated part of national statistical work-programme

14 14 Sources of Finance for ICP-Africa (2004-2007) ADB: $28.17 million The World Bank DFID ACBF Norad-Norway Indian Trust Fund

15 15 Thank You

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