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VOCAB 2.1 YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!. FRAUGHT Adj. Filled with; burdened; laden Many late-night TV shows are fraught with suggestive dialogue and sexual innuendo.

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2 FRAUGHT Adj. Filled with; burdened; laden Many late-night TV shows are fraught with suggestive dialogue and sexual innuendo.

3 TENACIOUS Adj. persistent; tough; stubborn The key to a good basketball team is tenacious defense; you can wear down the other team if you smother them from the tipoff.

4 LOATHSOME Adj. causing hatred or disgust; repulsive The most loathsome thing my mother ever served was salmon patties. Those things were disgusting!

5 CLEAVE V. To split or sever It takes a miracle to cleave my children from the TV. Even if a commercial is on it’s like they’re mesmerized.

6 SERENDIPITY N. Happy accident; pleasant surprise It was sheer serendipity that we stopped in Colorado Springs the night the Air Force Chorale performed.

7 LARGESSE N. Generosity Bill and Melinda Gates are known widely for their largesse; they have many charitable organizations and give lots to education.

8 MUNIFICENT Adj. Generous Bill and Melinda Gates are munificent people; they donate millions every year to charities.

9 FETTERS N. Chains or shackles for the feet Prisoners used to be kept in fetters and used for labor on roads – they were called chain gangs. O Brother

10 DILIGENT Adj. showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work Teachers appreciate students who are diligent and care about doing quality work (so do employers).

11 EXEMPLARY Adj. Representing the best of its kind The AKC dog shows showcase the exemplary dogs for each breed.

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