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To begin with… There is only a few things I remember from my school years. I am not the person you want to rely on to remember something important. but.

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2 To begin with… There is only a few things I remember from my school years. I am not the person you want to rely on to remember something important. but the things I do remember are worth wild. so here is a little about my school years…

3 well I didn't start my school years at Milton. From kindergarten until fifth grade I went to Ernest Gallet.But the first memory is from first grade. I was in ms Lalande’s class and it was saint Patrick's day. She had told us that there was a leprechaun running around the school and that leprechauns will mess up anything they get their little hands on. Well us first graders were smart enough to know that this was not true…or at least we thought. We had went to P.E. and when we had come back the room was a mess! glitter every wheres,chairs and desk flipped over, paper all over the floor. When we saw this mess we started to think that there really was a leprechauns running amuck. So we all pitched in and cleaned the room up, and now on every saint Patrick's day I remember our little “visitors’’ that day.

4 another memory I have is from fifth grade. it was the second to last day of school and we were all excited to have a two month break from school but somewhat sad to be leaving our friends. So we had asked our teacher if we could bring cameras to take pictures of our friends we were leaving and she said yeah. So the last day of school we were sitting in class and the teacher said “okay you may take out your cameras and take pictures for only five minutes!” so we all reached in our book sacks and guess what everyone pulled out? Everyone took out their camera cell phones. The teacher really didn't care and let us do as we please. that was one memory I will never forget on my last day of school.

5 My next memory is from last year, my first year at Milton. Mrs. Jacques was my first,second,and fourth hour teacher. first and second for ela and fourth for social studies. Mrs. Jacques always brought food for us. Crackers, lemon drops, pretzels you name it she brought it. We were so greedy. Every morning when we walked in her class the first thing we said was “I didn't eat breakfast today can we have crackers?” she had a big heart so of course she would give us what we asked for. I will always remember Mrs. Jacques and her kindness for sharing her lunch with us.

6 Finally, even though seventh grade just started it has been a great year so far…well almost a great year. of course I have memories from this year but I cant recall them to well. so I guess this is all I can think of as I am sitting here typing this. So I guess Ill stop typing now.LOLZ!


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