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Chemistry Jeopardy Titration Calcs Conju- gates pH/pOHNaming Acids Prop- erties Vocab. 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry Jeopardy Titration Calcs Conju- gates pH/pOHNaming Acids Prop- erties Vocab. 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry Jeopardy Titration Calcs Conju- gates pH/pOHNaming Acids Prop- erties Vocab. 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY

2 Titration Calculations-100 u The molarity of sodium hydroxide if 12.0 mL of solution is neutralized by 6.00 mL of 2.00 HCl. u What is 1 M?

3 Titration Calculations-200 u The number of milliliters of 0.04 M NaOH that must be added to 87 mL of 0.17 M HCl to make a neutral solution. u What is 369.75 mL?

4 Titration Calculations-300 u If 27.0 mL of 0.047 M HCl is required to neutralize 31.0 mL of NaOH, what is the molarity of the NaOH solution? u What is 0.04095 M?

5 Titration Calculations-400 u If 13.15 mL of 0.045 M H 2 SO 4 are required to neutralize 11.05 mL of NaOH, what is the molarity of the NaOH solution? u What is 0.1071 M?

6 Titration Calculations-500 u How many mL of 0.0603 M NaOH must be added to 37.060 mL of 0.0203 M H 3 PO 4 to make a neutral solution? u What is 37.429 mL?

7 Conjugates-100 u KOH +KHSO 4  K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O u What is the conjugate acid? u What is H 2 O?

8 Conjugates-200 u H 2 SO 4 + H 2 O  H 3 O + +HSO 4 - u What is the acid? u What is H 2 SO 4 ?

9 Conjugates-300 u H 2 O + NaHSO 4  H 2 SO 4 + NaOH u What is the conjugate base? u What is NaOH?

10 Conjugates-400 u HCl +H 2 O  H 3 O + + Cl - u What is the conjugate acid? u What is H 3 O + ?

11 Conjugates-500 u Is this labeled correctly? If NO, explain why not. u HNO 3 + Na 2 SO 4  NaNO 3 + NaHSO 4 u Base Acid CB CA

12 pH/pOH-100 u At what pH level is a solution neutral? u What is 7?

13 pH/pOH-200 u If the hydrogen ion concentration is 1x10 -4, what is the pH? u What is 4?

14 pH/pOH-300 u If the pH level is 12, what is the pOH? u What is 2?

15 pH/pOH-400 u If the hydrogen ion concentration is 1x10 -11, what is the pOH? u What is 3?

16 pH/pOH-500 u When using the ________ scale, a level above 7 is acidic, when using the _________ scale, a level below 7 is acidic. u What is pOH and pH?

17 Naming Acids-100 u HCl u What is hydrochloric acid?

18 Naming Acids-200 uH2SuH2S u What is hydrosulfuric acid?

19 Naming Acids-300 u HNO 3 u What is nitric acid?

20 Naming Acids-400 u H 2 SO 4 u What is sulfuric acid?

21 Naming Acids-500 u H 3 PO 3 u What is phosphorous acid?

22 Properties of Acids and Bases- 100 u What is the taste of acidic compounds in foods? u What is tart or sour taste?

23 Properties of Acids and Bases-200 u What is an example of a food with acidic compounds in it? u Lemons, oranges, etc.

24 Properties of Acids and Bases- 300 u True or false: Acids and Bases are both electrolytes. u True.

25 Properties of Acids and Bases- 400 u How a base tastes. u What is bitter?

26 Properties of Acids and Bases- 500 u How a base feels. u What is slippery?

27 Vocabulary-100 u The particle formed when a base gains a hydrogen ion. u What is a conjugate acid?

28 Vocabulary-200 u A substance that can act as both an acid and a base. u What is amphoteric?

29 Vocabulary-300 u Bronsted-Lowery definition of a base. u What is a hydrogen-ion acceptor?

30 Vocabulary-400 u How a conjugate acid is different than an acid. u Conjugate acid particles are formed when a base gains a hydrogen ion and an acid is a compound containing hydrogen that ionizes to yield hydrogen ions in water.

31 Vocabulary-500 u An acid that contains three ionizable protons. u What is triprotic acid?

32 Final Jeopardy u Write the conjugate bases of these acids: u H 2 O u NH 3 u H 3 P u H 2 S u H 3 P u HI u NaHSO 4

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