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The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Tool Kit Project Prepared by: James C. Schmutz,

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Presentation on theme: "The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Tool Kit Project Prepared by: James C. Schmutz,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Tool Kit Project Prepared by: James C. Schmutz, Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor And Bill Levis The Urban Institute Contact: Bill Levis E-mail: or James Schmutz Email: Phone: 202-659-6173

2  Brief review of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative presentation from November  Reserves Ratio  It Depends!  NGP sponsorship of the nonprofit operating reserve policy tool kit project  Highlight key points in letter Agenda 2

3 3 Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative

4 4  There are a range of stakeholders that can influence establishing and maintaining adequate Operating Reserves for financial stability:  CEOs, CFOs and boards of nonprofit organizations  Grant making community such as:  program officers of foundations  regional associations of grant makers  GOVERNMENT AGENCIES  Associations of nonprofits and umbrella groups – geographic and subsector.  Accountants such as individual CFOs and CPAs, CFO groups and CPA societies  Financial institutions serving the nonprofit sector Financial Stability – How is it relevant to the National Grants Partnership?

5 5 Request for NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Toolkit

6 Tool Kit Sponsorship 6  Lead Sponsors of the Reserve Policy Tool Kit:  NCCS, a program of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at The Urban Institute  Membership & Financial Accountability Department at the United Way of America  Supporting Sponsors of the Reserve Policy Tool Kit:  BoardSource  Greater Washington Society of CPAs  National Council of Nonprofits  National Human Services Assembly  National Grants Partnership

7 Supporting Sponsor Role 7  Formally Endorse the initiative and mission  Agree to be listed as a supporting sponsor  Recruit a representative to serve as part of the Reserve Policy Technical Group  Refer members, affiliates and constituents to the tool kit  Be an information resource by keeping constituents informed of the initiative

8 The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative Toolkit Supporting Sponsor Request Thank You Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome: Jim Schmutz, Merrill Lynch, Bill Levis, The Urban Institute, See Supporting Sponsor Invitation letter at NGP Blog: See November Presentation at NGP website: See also Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative White Paper at:

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