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LCA Process (review) Where R ERP is the “Environmentally Responsible Product Rating” Define Scope ManufactureR ERP Inventory Analysis Improvement Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "LCA Process (review) Where R ERP is the “Environmentally Responsible Product Rating” Define Scope ManufactureR ERP Inventory Analysis Improvement Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCA Process (review) Where R ERP is the “Environmentally Responsible Product Rating” Define Scope ManufactureR ERP Inventory Analysis Improvement Analysis Impact Analysis Feedback

2 Difficulties with LCA For real systems, the LCA process is very complex and difficult to carry out –It’s important for effective LCA to be fast and efficient so that alternatives can be examined throughout the system design process Many LCAs completed so far have been for relatively simple products and services (such as drinking cups), but more complex systems (such as automobiles) have also been done

3 Complex Systems and LCA Complex systems have many internal dependencies and linkages which must be considered –e.g. substituting a bismuth/tin alloy for lead solder in electronics manufacture: Requires a more aggressive antioxident flux This in turn requires a chlorinated (not aqueous) cleaner Focusing on a single material would not pick up this linked effect

4 Scoping (review) What materials, processes, or products will be considered in the LCA? How broadly will alternatives be defined? E.g. Drycleaning –Narrow Scope: look at controls, process changes, perhaps alternative solvents –Broader Scope: look at alternative services (such as pressing) and alternative clothing materials

5 Choice of Scope Factors include –Who is performing the analysis? How much control can they exercise over choice of options? –What resources are available to conduct the study? –What is the most limited scope of analysis that still provides for adequate consideration of the systems aspects of the problem? Can a comparative LCA be used to reduce scope?

6 Inventory Analysis: Process and Product Audits

7 Inventory Analysis The most well-developed step in the process Uses qualitative data to establish the levels and types of energy and materials inputs to an industrial system Also determines the environmental releases that result Considers all material, energy, and resource inputs from extraction through disposal

8 Elements of Inventory Analysis Materials acquisition Formulation, processing, and manufacturing Product Distribution Product Use Recycle: Products, components, materials Waste Management INPUTSOUTPUTS Materials Energy Water Air Principal and co-products Water and air emissions Solid waste Other Environmental interactions

9 LCA Exercise Let’s consider a product/service, e.g.: –Bier bottle –Overnight delivery –Gasoline powered lawnmower –Telephone –…–… … and conduct a qualitative life cycle inventory

10 How did you approach this?

11 Project Lab Discuss project ideas Discuss scope Form teams (if not already formed) Before next week: email clarified project plans

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