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Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams Chapter 10.

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1 Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams Chapter 10

2 Chapter Overview 1. 1. Evolution of Motivation Theory 2. 2. Contemporary Views on Motivation 3. 3. Applying Motivation Theory 4. 4. Using Teams to Motivate 5. 5. Trends in Motivating Employees

3 Evolution of Motivation Theory 1. 1. Scientific Management 2. 2. Hawthorne Studies 3. 3. Hierarchy of Needs 4. 4. Theories X and Y 5. 5. Motivator-Hygiene Theory

4 Principles of Scientific Management 1. 1. Develop a science of every job element 2. 2. Scientifically select, train, & instruct workers 3. 3. Cooperation between workers & managers 4. 4. Match individuals to well-suited tasks and responsibilities

5 Hawthorne Studies Hawthorne Effect: The phenomenon that employees perform better when they feel singled out for attention or feel that management is concerned about their welfare

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Physiological needs Safety needs Social needs Esteem needs Self- actualization needs

7 McGregor’s Theories of Human Motivation Theory X people dislike work people need to be controlled, & threatened people avoid responsibility & value security TheoryY Theory Y work is as natural as play people respond to positive incentives people enjoy responsibility & like to solve problems

8 Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory Motivating factors: intrinsic job elements that lead to worker satisfaction Hygiene factors: extrinsic elements of the work environment that, if not managed well, lead to worker dissatisfaction

9 Contemporary Motivation Theory 1. 1. Expectancy Theory 2. 2. Equity Theory 3. 3. Goal-Setting Theory

10 Expectancy theory: The probability of a behavior depends on: (1) strength of individual’s belief that the behavior will have a particular outcome, and (2) whether the individual values the outcome

11 Equity theory: Worker satisfaction is influenced by employees’ perceptions about how fairly they are treated compared with their coworkers

12 Equity Theory Upward social comparison: better off Upward social comparison: comparing oneself to another who is better off on a particular attribute decreased  frequently results in decreased satisfaction Downward social comparison: worse off Downward social comparison: comparing oneself to another who is worse off on a particular attribute increased  frequently results in increased satisfaction

13 Applying Motivation Theory 1. 1. Motivational job design –job enlargement –job enrichment –job rotation 2. 2. Work scheduling options –job sharing 3. 3. Recognition, empowerment, & economic incentives –variable pay

14 Job Characteristics Model 1. 1. Skill variety 2. 2. Task identity –task has visible results 3. 3. Task significance 4. 4. Autonomy –employee freedom and independence 5. 5. Task feedback –working on task provides performance feedback Source: Hackman & Oldham, 1976, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, v. 16, pp. 250-279.

15 Group cohesiveness: the degree to which group members want to stay in the group and tend to resist outside influences

16 2 Types of Cohesiveness Interpersonal cohesiveness: 1. Interpersonal cohesiveness: strong bonds & liking between people Task cohesiveness: 2. Task cohesiveness: strong commitment to the group task among members Cohesiveness can increase team performance, but interpersonally cohesive teams may lack task focus Source: Kenrick et al., Social Psychology, p. 441.

17 Pros and Cons of Teams Cons: take longer to reach solution members may suppress disagreement group may be dominated by a few individuals lack of accountabilityPros: more information & knowledge can generate more alternatives often higher-quality decisions group participation increases acceptance of solutions

18 Types of Teams 1. 1. Problem-solving within one area within one management level 2. 2. Cross-functional within one management level across different areas 3. 3. Self-managed autonomous

19 Building Blocks of High Performance Teams 1. Skills 2. Accountability 3. Commitment Problem solving Technical/functional Interpersonal Small number of members Mutual accountability Individual accountability Specific goals Common approach Meaningful purpose

20 Trends in Motivation  Improved Education & Training  Increased Employee Ownership  More Work-Life Benefits  Deloitte & Touche consulting firm offers Work/life Balance options: reduced hours, reduced workload, continuing part-time, flextime, telecommuting, assistance programs (Source: Deloitte & Touche,

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