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Essential Science Standards Let’s get essential! -or- Essentially, the most fun science!

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Science Standards Let’s get essential! -or- Essentially, the most fun science!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Science Standards Let’s get essential! -or- Essentially, the most fun science!

2 ? The sun is composed primarily of ____________ and ____________

3 Hydrogen and Helium

4 ? What are the nine planets of our solar system?

5 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Let’s just include Pluto for the fun of it.

6 ? Our solar system includes the nine planets as well as their ____________.

7 satellites

8 ? Our solar system includes the nine planets and their satellites as well as the ____________ and ____________ that orbit the sun. HINT: A___ and C____

9 Asteroids and comets

10 ? Path of a planet around the sun is due to the ____________ attraction between the sun and the planet HINT: G ____________

11 Gravitational

12 ? Most of Earth’s water is ____________ water in the ____________. HINT: S ___________ ; O ___________

13 Salt Oceans

14 ? Does the amount of water on planet Earth change?

15 No

16 ? ___________ or decreasing water ___________ can extend the availability of water here on Earth HINT: R ___________; U ___________

17 Recycling Usage

18 ? Wind is caused by the uneven ___________ of the Earth’s ___________. HINT: H ___________ ; S ___________

19 Heating Surface

20 ? Earth’s atmosphere exerts a ___________ that decreases with distance above the Earth’s ___________ HINT: P ___________; S ___________

21 Pressure Surface

22 ? Earth’s atmosphere exerts a pressure that is exerted equally in all ___________ at a given point HINT: D ___________

23 Directions

24 ? Atoms in reactants rearrange to form ___________ with different properties during a ___________ reaction HINT: P ___________; C ___________

25 Products Chemical

26 ? All matter is made of ___________ which may combine to form ___________ HINT: A ___________; M ___________

27 Atoms Molecules

28 ? Chemical Symbol of Al = _________

29 Aluminum

30 ? Chemical symbol of Fe =

31 Iron

32 ? Chemical symbol of Cu = _________

33 Copper

34 ? Chemical symbol of Ag = _________

35 Silver

36 ? Chemical Symbol of Ag = _________

37 Gold

38 ? Chemical symbol of Ni = _________

39 Nickel

40 Examples of metals that are pure substances: –_________(Al) –_________ (Fe) –_________ (Ni) –_________ (Cu) –_________ (Ag) –_________ (Au)

41 Aluminum Iron Nickel Copper Silver Gold

42 ? Examples of compounds that are metals: _________ and _________ HINT: S _________ and B _________

43 Steel Brass

44 ? Periodic Table arranges elements by their _________ properties HINT: C _________

45 Chemical

46 ? Periodic Table arranges elements by their chemical properties such as the _________ number HINT: A_________

47 ? Periodic Table arranges elements by their chemical properties. Those include the element’s _________ number HINT: A _________

48 Atomic

49 ? Periodic Table arranges elements by their chemical properties. Those include the element’s atomic number and whether the element is a _________ or a _________ HINT: M _________; N _________

50 Metal Nonmetal

51 ? Differences in chemical and physical _________ of substances are used to separate _________ and identify _________ HINT: P _________; M _________; C _________

52 Properties Mixtures Compounds

53 Identify the following compounds:

54 ? CH O 6 12 6 HINT: S _________

55 Sugar

56 ? HO 2

57 Water

58 ? He

59 Helium

60 ? O 2

61 Oxygen

62 ? N 2

63 nitrogen

64 ? C O 2

65 Carbon Dioxide

66 ? NaCl

67 Sodium Chloride

68 ? Another word for sodium chloride is _________ HINT: S_________

69 Salt

70 ? Living organisms are composed of just a few _________ E_________

71 Elements

72 ? _________ circulates through the heart chambers, lungs and body HINT: B _________

73 Blood

74 ? Blood circulates through the _________ chambers, _________ and body HINT: H _________, L _________

75 Heart Lungs

76 ? Carbon Dioxide and _________ are exchanged in the lungs and _________ HINT: O _________; T _________

77 Oxygen Tissue

78 ? Digestion has _________ steps. In other words, it progresses through defined steps beginning with insertion of food into your mouth. HINT: S _________

79 Sequential

80 ? Steps of digestion: 1._________ and mouth 2._________ 3.Stomach 4.Small _________ 5.Large Intestine 6. _________ HINT: T _________; E _________; I _________; C _________

81 1.Teeth 2.Esophagus 3.Intestine 4.Colon

82 ? Function of the Kidneys: –remove cellular _________ from blood –Convert waste to _________ –Store urine in the _________ –HINT: W _________; U _________; B_________

83 Waste Urine Bladder

84 ? Sugar, water and minerals are transported in _________ plants HINT: V _________

85 Vascular

86 ? Vascular plants transport _________, water and _________ HINT: S _________; M _________

87 Sugar Minerals

88 ? Plants use carbon dioxide and energy from _________ to build molecules of _________ and release _________ HINT: S _________; S _________; O_________

89 Sunlight Sugar Oxygen

90 ? Plant and animal _________ break down _________ to obtain energy HINT: C _________; S _________

91 Cells Sugar

92 Thunderstorms? A thunderstorm forms when a mass of _________ air overtakes a mass of warm air The warm, _________ air rises quickly As it rises, it cools and _________, forming _________ HINT: Co_________; H _________; Con_________; Cl _________

93 Cold Humid Condenses Cloud

94 Thunderstorms? Cont… As warm, humid air rises, cools and condenses into clouds, the _________ of the condensed air falls back to the ground which pulls the cold air high up in the _________ back to the Earth’s surface This builds _________ charges in the cloud which build and escape. HINT: W _________; A _________; E_________

95 Weight Atmosphere Electric

96 ? The air along a bolt of _________ exceeds 28,000 Celsius. This heat makes the _________ expand so fast it breaks the _________ barrier HINT: L _________; A _________; S_________

97 Lightning Air Sound

98 ? Hurricanes start as _________- _________ areas over an _________ –Also known as a tropical _________ HINT: L _________-P _________; O_________; D _________

99 Low-pressure Oxygen Depression

100 ? As winds blow into a low pressure zone (tropical depression), the _________ of the Earth causes the wind to _________ If the winds reach a constant speed of 63 Kk/hr, it is a tropical _________ If winds reach 119 Km/hr, it is a _________ HINT: R _________; S _________; S_________; H _________

101 Rotation Spiral Storm Hurricane

102 ? 2 Functions of the Digestive System: 1.Breaks food down into _________ 2.Gets nutrients to the _________ HINT: N _________; B _________

103 Nutrients Blood

104 ? Digestion (STEP 1) begins as you _________ food –_________ moistens food and begins to break it down HINT: C _________; S _________

105 Chew Saliva

106 ? Digestion (STEP 2): Swallowed food travels down the _________ –_________ juice breaks food down further HINT: E _________; G _________

107 Esophagus Juice

108 The end.

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