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CGIAR-EARS Partnership NAME Since 1967 / Science to cultivate change Lulseged Tamene 4 December 2014 EIAR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Presentation on theme: "CGIAR-EARS Partnership NAME Since 1967 / Science to cultivate change Lulseged Tamene 4 December 2014 EIAR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGIAR-EARS Partnership NAME Since 1967 / Science to cultivate change Lulseged Tamene 4 December 2014 EIAR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2 CIAT HQ in Colombia Regional offices: – Latin America and the Caribbean – sub-Saharan Africa (30 countries) – Southeast Asia (5 countries) Mission To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture Centro Internacionale de Agricultura Tropical International Center for Tropical Agriculture

3 Agrobiodiversity Soils and Landscapes Tropical Forages Decision and Policy Analysis Major Research Programs Plot/farms Landscapes Nutrition Gender

4 a) Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) Improving productivity and tackling malnutrition through better beans

5 Bean value chain approach linking farmers to markets 1.Bean seed from research 5. Processing by agro-industry 2a. Production by farmers 3.Stocking by wholesalers 4. Retailing in the market2b. Nutrition

6 Bean Small Packs Translate to Big Gains Since 1996, PABRA has released over 450 new bean varieties across Africa Tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses Micronutrient rich Model of small packs for promotion of improved varieties replicated in many countries In Ethiopia, >95% of the bean varieties released are germplasm imported from CIAT Provides technical & financial support to the national bean research program for the last 30 yrs. Capacity development


8 Trend of export revenue from beans in Ethiopia (2005-2010)

9 b) Soils and landscapes Reverse natural resource degradation and estimate the rewards of SLM Enhance productivity and yield through sustainable intensification of agriculture: ISFM, CA Climate-smart technologies including adaptation and mitigation Advance the science of soil and landscape health, sustainable intensification, ecosystem services, and trade-off modeling – eco- efficiency lens Sustainable Intensification Soil Health and Productivity for smallholder farmers Sustainable Intensification Soil Health and Productivity for smallholder farmers Reducing Land Degradation Rehabilitation of degraded soils and landscapes Reducing Land Degradation Rehabilitation of degraded soils and landscapes Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Soil Carbon, GHG, Climate-Smart Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Soil Carbon, GHG, Climate-Smart Agriculture

10 Soils and landscapes … Africa RISING Addressing yield gap through improved management practices Match crop-specific fertilizer regimes with local soil and climatic conditions including fertilizer profitability and recommendations Crop-soil simulation modelling – what-if scenarios under current and best-bet, sustainable intensification options

11 Soils and landscapes … AR Introduce mosaic of integrated landscape and water management options to restore degraded areas, improve productivity and create ‘climate-smart landscapes’ Context specific best management practices to enhance plot/farm productivity and ecosystem services

12 c) Forages - South-South collaboration This is a platform for enhancing forage R&D, resource mobilization and regional collaboration on forages CIAT and partners are establishing a partnership on forages R&D linking Latin America, Asia and African countries National and regional level consultations have been held with Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique Adapted forage grasses and potential value for supporting environmental services, GHG emission Participants at the Ethiopia Forages stakeholder consultation forum

13 d) Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) Focus Climate change Ecosystem Services Linking Farmers to Markets Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Methods to project the likely impacts of climate change on agricultural production Assessing best-bet policies and actions to enhance farming systems and ecosystem services under climate change scenarios Supporting National Adaptation and Mitigation Planning for Agricultural Sectors in Africa

14 Other engagements SIMLESA: CA – recommendation domains WLE: ecosystem services – develop indicators, quantify, ‘yield gap’ at landscape level LandRestore: identify niches for best-fit practices, quantify rewards of restoration and SLM and tradeoffs - develop decision support tools Ecosystem based interventions to maintain ecosystem functions and conserve biodiversity and promote Green Growth -Incentives and finance Improving Food Security and Nutritional Status through tackling post-harvest losses at various stages of the food system

15 Collaboration areas Bean improved varieties, management and production technologies Soil health improvement: ISFM+CA – different levels geared to ecological and socio-economic conditions Restoration and sustainable land management options: integrated interventions: climate-smart landscapes Nutrition – post-harvest losses Climate change adaptation and mitigation Forage – improved management, GHG emission

16 Thank you!!

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