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Search for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background in LENA DPG-Tagung in Heidelberg 9.3.2007 M. Wurm, F. v. Feilitzsch, M. Göger-Neff, T. Marrodán Undagoitia,

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Presentation on theme: "Search for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background in LENA DPG-Tagung in Heidelberg 9.3.2007 M. Wurm, F. v. Feilitzsch, M. Göger-Neff, T. Marrodán Undagoitia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Search for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background in LENA DPG-Tagung in Heidelberg 9.3.2007 M. Wurm, F. v. Feilitzsch, M. Göger-Neff, T. Marrodán Undagoitia, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, J. Winter Technische Universität München Phys.Rev.D 75 (2007) 023007

2 Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB): SN@z<5 contribute to an isotropic background of v v e could be detected in LENA via v e + p → n + e + clear (delayed) coincidence signal due to e + -annihilation & n-capture current best limit on the DSN flux is given by Super-Kamiokande:  (E>19MeV) ≤ 1.2 v/cm²s solid: v e dashed: v e S. Ando, astro-ph/0410061 __ Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 1/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm LENA will improve this limit by a factor of 9:  high discovery potential

3 LL – Lawrence Livermore TBP – Thompson, Burrows, Pinto KRJ – Keil, Raffelt, Janka DSN model calculations use … SN neutrino spectra: little experimental data  spectral shape is model-dependent Supernova Rate SNR(z) contributions from high z regions are red-shifted, large uncertainties of conventional observations z=0: f SN =0.7-4.2, likely 2.5 z>0: even larger E>10MeV: SNR(z=0) SN v spectrum E<10MeV: SNR(z>1) f SN Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 2/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm

4 in a pure water Čerenkov detector the n-capture is not detected. background sources reactor v e :~ 10 MeV atmospheric v e :~ 30 MeV spallation products:< 19 MeV invisible muons:> 19 MeV  no observational window  background subtracted statistically observational window S. Ando, astro-ph/0410061 Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 3/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm

5 in a liquid-scintillator detector the n-capture can be tagged. background sources reactor v e :~ 10 MeV atmospheric v e :~ 30 MeV spallation products:< 19 MeV invisible muons:> 19 MeV  observational window: 10 MeV < E < 30 MeV observational window S. Ando, astro-ph/0410061 Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 3/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm

6 reactor v e flux depends on location reactor v’s atmospheric v’s Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 4/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm nuclear power plants possible detector sites _ atmospheric v e flux depends on magnetic latitude up to a factor 2 difference in flux _ DSN Pyhäsalmi Hawaii

7 detector siteenergy window (MeV) signal/background (10 yrs exposure, f SN = 2.5) Kamioka11.1 – 28.179/11 Frejus10.8 – 26.479/12 Kimballton10.6 – 28.184/11 Pyhäsalmi9.7 – 25.186/13 Pylos9.4 – 28.195/12 Homestake9.0 – 26.496/13 Henderson8.9 – 27.298/13 Hawaii8.4 – 29.0106/12 New Zealand8.2 – 27.2105/12 Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 5/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm

8 LENA at Pyhäsalmi (Finland) dependent on SN model (assumed f SN =2.5) LL:113 KRJ:100 TBP:60 dependent on SNR f SN =0.7 17 f SN =2.5 100 f SN =4.2 220 DSN event rate in 10yrs inside the energy window from 9.7 to 25 MeV background events: 13 ~25% of events are due to v’s originating from SN @ z>1! 6/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy

9 Limits on the SN Rate (z=0) by counting event numbers in the energy bin 10MeV < E v < 14MeV, one can derive a limit on f SN without using a SN v model in case of f SN =2.5: f SN ≤1.3 could be excluded at 2  after 10 years LENA @ Pyhäsalmi (FIN) event rates (10-14MeV): LL2.0 f SN /yr KRJ1.5 f SN /yr TBP2.0 f SN /yr BG0.6 f SN /yr cross-check of ‘optical’ SNR measurements Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy 7/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm

10 Constraints on SN model using MC simulations  optical measurements will determine the SNR with high accuracy  with this input, the spectral slope of the DSN can be used to distinguish between different SN explosion scenarios comparison of count rates in the energy bins 10MeV < E B1 < 14MeV 15MeV < E B2 < 25MeV significance levels of SN model exclusion 8/8 TU MünchenMichael Wurm Outline DSNB Background Event Rates Spectroscopy

11  Due to the excellent background discrimination, a liquid-scintillator detector enables a detection of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrinos in an almost background-free energy window form ~10 to 30 MeV.  The discovery potential for the DSN in LENA is very high. According to current models, ~2 to 20 events per year are expected.  After 10 years, statistics will be large enough to give significant constraints on both Supernova Rate and SN explosion models.

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