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Introduction to Networking and Networking Fundamentals By: Rick Karst, Saumitra Patel, and Cody Peltramo.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Networking and Networking Fundamentals By: Rick Karst, Saumitra Patel, and Cody Peltramo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Networking and Networking Fundamentals By: Rick Karst, Saumitra Patel, and Cody Peltramo

2 The Internet  To establish a proper internet connection, you need physical connections (NIC), logical connections (protocol), and applications (browser) to translate the information into a viewable interface. Bigfoot Networks Killer NIC M1 10/100/1000Mbps PCI Network Adapter with a 400 MHz Network Processing Unit (NPU) 1 x RJ-45, 1 x USB2.0

3 How to Get to the Internet CABLE MODEM DIALUP  1960s- Simple computer terminals were connected to a central computer via a 300 bits per second modem.  1970s- As computers became more affordable, Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) was created so that people could read messages on a discussion board. Speeds were still 300bps.  1980s- Quickly, more and more people used the bulletin boards and higher speed was needed to compensate.  1990- Modem speeds reached 9600bps and by 1998, the standard of dial- up became 56kbps.  In the 21 st century, much higher speeds were capable with the introduction of cable and DSL lines.

4 Testing Connectivity  To test connectivity, use the PING command in a DOS prompt.  A PING is simply this: One user sends packets to another user requesting a reply for each to confirm the two users are connected.  Pinging a URL can be used to test a computer’s internet connection.  PING uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). ICMP was designed for the specific purpose of performing tests and carry error messages for other TCP/IP protocols.

5 Numbers of Networking zBase 2 is called binary and uses only 0’s and 1’s to represent a number. zBase 10 is the decimal system we use on the regular basis. (0,1,2,3,4,5…) zBase 16 is the hexadecimal system uses the first ten numbers, (0-9), and the first six letters of the alphabet, (A-F). There are 16 values in this system, hence the name.

6 1 is on 0 is off Computers understand only 2- state formats; 1 is on, 0 is off A binary number is usually eight bits in length. If the binary number is 11111111, the decimal equivalent is 255. If it is 00000000, it is obviously 0. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128+64+32+16+ 8+ 4 + 2 + 1= 255 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 (Base 2)

7 Binary Logic  Allows 2 numbers to be compared and chosen based on the numbers.  NOT: Inverts the numbers.  If 1 and 0, then 0 and 1; if 0 and 1, then 1 and 0.  AND: If both numbers are 1, a 1 is generated, if not, then a 0 is generated.  If 1 and 1, then 1; if 1 and 0, then 0.  OR: If at least one number is 1, then a 1 is generated.  If 1 and 0, then 1; if 0 and 0, then 0.  Also called Boolean Logic

8 Hexadecimal (Base 16)  Binary numbers can be converted to a hexadecimal format to reduce longs strings of numbers. This makes remembering easier.

9 Basic Units of Memory  The smallest unit of memory is the bit. It takes eight of them to form a byte.

10 IP Addresses and Masks  An IP address is a 32-bit address which contains the host’s network number an optional sub-network number, and a host number.  The network number and sub-network number are used for routing information to a network or sub-network and the host number is used for locating a specific host within the network or sub-network.  To determine the network portion of an IP address, perform a Boolean AND of the IP address and the subnet mask.   11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000  00001010.00000000.00000000.00000000

11 Networking Devices zNetworking devices make it possible to extend network connections, manage data transfers, and convert the format of data. zRepeater: - Regenerates Signal. - Regenerates both analog and digital signals.

12 Networking Devices (Cont.) zHub: - Concentrates Connections - Allows the network to see groups of hosts as a single unit. - Also regenerates signals. zBridge: - Provides connections between LANs. - Checks data to determine if it should cross the bridge or not. - Makes network more efficient.

13 Networking Devices (Cont.) zWorkgroup Switch - Determines if data should remain on the LAN. - Transfers data to the connection that needs it. - Does not convert data transmission formats. zRouter - Has the capabilities of Repeaters, hubs, bridges, and switches. - Can regenerate signals. - Can convert data formats. - Can concentrate multiple connections. - Can connect to a WAN which allows connection to LANs seperated by great distances.

14 Network Topology z Physical Topology - The actual layout/wiring of the network. zLogical Topology - How the media is accessed by the hosts for sending data.

15 Physical Topologies zBus - Has a single backbone cable which is terminated at both ends. - All hosts connect directly to backbone. zRing - Connects one host to the next and so on. - The last host connects to the first host.

16 Physical Topologies (Cont.) zStar - Central Connection - All hosts connect to the central connection. zExtended Star - Individual star topologies are connected together by hubs/switches.

17 Physical Topologies (Cont.) zHierarchical - Hubs/Switches all link back to a computer which controls the traffic on the topology. zMesh - Every host links to every host. - A problem with one host does not effect the other hosts.

18 Types of Networks zLANs (Local Area Networks) zWANs (Wide Area Networks) zMANs (Metropolitan Area Networks) zSANs (Storage Area Networks) zVPN (Virtual Private Network)

19 OSI Model z ISO (International Organization for Standardization) z OSI (Open System Interface) 7. Application 6. Presentation 5. Session 4. Transport 3. Network 2. Data Link 1. Physical

20 TCP/IP Model Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Application Transport Internet Network Access OSI TCP/IP

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