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The Spanish Roots of Chicano Folklore Universidad de Castilla La Manch Toledo June 14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spanish Roots of Chicano Folklore Universidad de Castilla La Manch Toledo June 14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spanish Roots of Chicano Folklore Universidad de Castilla La Manch Toledo June 14, 2011

2 Agenda Topic: Folk Genres and Folk Groups Reading: Oring—Preface, Chapters BREAK SEMIOTICS: KEY TERMS

3 What is folklore or folklife? Historical perspectives: The term “folklore” was coined by W. J. Thoms William W. Newell defined folklore as “oral tradition and belief handed down from generation to generation without the use of writing.” Difference between mythology and folklore (1898) Redfield expanded the concept of “folk” and “lore” Alan Dundes’ definitions of “folk” and “lore” It is still being defined and redefined

4 Genres of Folklore Study Oral Tradition and Performance –Spoken word –Song –Dance –Poetry –Game, play and strategy

5 Genres…Festivals, Drama, Ritual Gesture, body movement and use of space Seasonal and calendrical events Nameday celebrations Feast days Market days

6 Genres… Material Culture Artifacts The Cultural Landscape Foodways Crafts and Trades Folk Art Folk Medicine

7 Genres… Occupational Folklore Language—jargon, verbal expressions, jokes Practices and techniques: i.e. Anguila Customs and beliefs: “Cultural scenes” – flea markets Narratives – story of how something came to be, explanations for beliefs

8 Ethnicity and other Folklife Studies

9 Ethnic Folklore “Folklore plays a part in the definition of ethnic groups which comments upon or governs interactions between different ethnic groups, which contributes to the sense of an ethnic identity, or which constitutes and contributes to any ethnically based action (33).

10 Religious Folklore Folk religion and institutionalized religious practice Secular and Liturgical practices Essential elements in festivals and celebrations Studying the Corpus Christi Celebration in Toledo

11 Folk Catholicism Definition? Recognizing elements of Studying cultural expressions


13 Semiotics, Third Space Chicana Feminism and other Key Concepts Ferdinand de Saussure and the science of signs

14 Semiotic Study of Culture Origins—De Saussure, Peirce Communication Process Key elements: –Semiotics/semiology –Signifier –Signified –Symbol/icon –Cultural Contexts

15 Thomas Kuhn and “Paradigm Shift”

16 Gloria Anzaldúa’s “conocimiento” Coatlicue State

17 Chela Sandoval’s “differential consciousness”

18 Emma Pérez’s “Decolonial Imaginary”

19 Third Space Chicana Feminism as a lens for studying culture

20 Coming of Age and Life Cycle Rituals: La Quinceañera Life cycle markers Essential Elements – Festivals and Celebrations: –Food –Music –Rituals –Folk Beliefs

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