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Language & Social Context in Interpersonal Communication NR. Sari, M.Comms

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1 Language & Social Context in Interpersonal Communication NR. Sari, M.Comms

2 THE DEFINITION The process of creating social relationships between at least two people by acting in concert with one another.  Using Language INTERPERSONAL COMM

3 Understanding how people use language in the act of interpersonal communication  Less concerned with language as language  But language-in-use LANGUAGE IN INTER-COMM

4 Understanding the differences between language as language & language-in-use  Langue - Competence Parole - Performance LANGUAGE IN INTER-COMM

5 LANGUE VS PAROLE Ferdinand de Saussure Langue refers to an abstract system shared by all members of language-speaking community which enable them to speak. Early studies of language focused on langue. Describing a complex set of gramatical rules. Explaining how sentences are generated & understood by individual

6 LANGUE VS PAROLE Langue  Language as language Example: EYD

7 LANGUE VS PAROLE Parole refers to language use in communication. The way members of the community actually speak. Parole is varied from one subgroup to another. The rules of parole reflect the linguistic choices of the people who use the language. It fluctuates more often than the formal language it actualizes.

8 LANGUE VS PAROLE Parole  Language in use Example: bahasa prokem bahasa gaul bahasa anak alay bahasa komunitas gay

9 COMPETENCE-PERFORMANCE Noam Chomsky Competence refers to the understanding of the grammatical rules & proper use of standard language. Performance refers to the social use of language, including all the revisions & violations of standard rules typical in any given social context.

10 Although language users may be very competent in knowing what constitus proper use of the language (their langue), their actual performance in using the language (their parole) does not necessarily reflect that knowledge. COMPETENCE-PERFORMANCE

11 Language as language : Langue & Competence Language-in-use : Parole & Performance COMPETENCE-PERFORMANCE

12 The truly competent communicator is aware of the rules of language-in-use whitin any given context & behave appropriately. COMPETENCE-PERFORMANCE

13 Beattie (1983): “If possession of language is the most essentially human of all atributes, then the use of language in its appropriate social context must be the most essestially human of all activities” COMPETENCE-PERFORMANCE

14 Parole = Language-in-use Language has a very close & special connection with the society & its members. As it is used in social context, language takes on the characteristic of the community of people who use it. PAROLE & CONTEXT

15 Parole = Language-in-use Language has a very close & special connection with the society & its members. Therefore, the social context must not be taken as given & as external to interaction. Instead, social context is inseperable from the study of language-in-use. PAROLE & CONTEXT

16 Giles & Wiemann (1987) study the relationship between language-in-use with social context: 1. Language reflects context 2. Language builds on context 3. Language mediates context PAROLE & CONTEXT

17 SOCIAL MEANING The concept of “meaning” has, itself, a number of different meanings. One of the principal reasons for the variation in the maning of “meaning” is the issue of location. Where is the meaning located?

18 SOCIAL MEANING There are 3 potential “places” where we can find meaning: 1. In the context 2. In the individual (intrapersonal) 3. In the relationship (interpersonal)

19 SOCIAL MEANING 1.In the context Socializing context Regulative context Instructional context Imaginative context Interpersonal context Relational context

20 SOCIAL MEANING 2. In the individual (intrapersonal) Inside the heads of communicating individual (intrapersonal)  Psychological Meaning 3. In the relationship (interpersonal) In the language-in-use during the act of communicating (interpersonal)  Social Meaning

21 SOCIAL MEANING 2 central features of social meaning : 1. Indexicality Objects and events have multiple potential meaning. People reduce the uncertainty about their potential meaning by providing a context. 2. Reflexivity Language-in-use influences the people who use it and is in turn influenced by these people.

22 STYLE SWITCHING Style switching refers to the ability to change your use of language from the conventions of one social contect to another.


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