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» Please grab the packet and read the article, “The teacher’s role in promoting collaborative dialogue in the classroom.” » Take 4 Sticky Notes and label.

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Presentation on theme: "» Please grab the packet and read the article, “The teacher’s role in promoting collaborative dialogue in the classroom.” » Take 4 Sticky Notes and label."— Presentation transcript:

1 » Please grab the packet and read the article, “The teacher’s role in promoting collaborative dialogue in the classroom.” » Take 4 Sticky Notes and label them: Agree, Argue, Assume, and Aspire. » As you read please write 1 thing for each sticky note and place the stickies on the chart. » Take a Gallery Walk to view others’ ideas. 4:40-4:45 Warm Up 4:30-4:40 Assume What are some of your assumptions about communication/ collaboration? Agree What are some ideas from the article that you agree with? Argue What are some things you disagree with in the article? Aspire What are your take aways?

2 Diving Into the Revised Framework Taking a Closer Look at Communication and Collaboration (I-8 )

3 Turn and Talk to a partner: How was your day today? Partner A (longest hair) talk to Partner B about the best part of your day. You have 1 minute. When you hear the timer, switch so that Partner B talks about their day. Use the sentence stem: The best part of my day was ____________ because ____________. Share out: What were the differences between the first and second turn and talks? Ice Breaker

4 » Content/Language Objectives » Order of Indicators Visual » Overview of I-8 looking at Student and Teacher Behaviors » Video Clip » I-8 Connections to CCSS Instructional Shifts » I-8 Connections to your practice » Planning time » Reflection on Objectives Agenda

5 In small groups teachers will orally explain the importance of student communication and collaboration using causal language (because). Red- domain/function Green- form Blue- support Black- content Content/Language Objective

6 The order of Indicators under the Instruction Domain represents the chronological order for how a teacher should effectively plan classroom lessons. Masterful Content Delivery I.1 Develop Content / Language Objectives I.2 Select / Create Tasks I.3 Choose Instructional Method I.4 Incorporate Opportunities to Develop and Use Academic Language

7 » High-Impact Instructional Moves: During instruction, effective teachers enact essential instructional moves (practices): High Impact Instructional Moves I.5 Use Formative Assessments to Check for Understanding I.6 Differentiate Data Based on the Checks for Understanding I.7 Provide Academic Feedback Based on Student Responses I.8 Create Opportunities for Students to Communicate / Collaborate While Learning

8 » Why is communication and collaboration important? » What are the differences between communication and collaboration? Essential Questions

9 1.Independently highlight key words in the effective column in both teacher and student behaviors. Ex: intentional 2.With a partner read through the teacher and student behaviors in the other categories and compare/contrast those with the effective category 3.Share out noticings using Round Robin Brainstorm activity Overview of I-8 ©

10 » Expectation – Decide who will watch for teacher behaviors and who will watch for student behaviors. Take notes on the behaviors that you are watching. » Talk to your table about the effective behaviors from the video. » What did you notice? What was missing? What might be other ways that students may have communicated and collaborated? Video Clip

11 -1&keyconceptskeyindex=-1&sceneclipskeyindex=-1&location=local

12 » Talk to your table about the effective behaviors from the video. » What did you notice? What was missing? What might be other ways that students may have communicated and collaborated? Video Clip

13 Language Arts/Literacy CCSS Instructional Shifts Build knowledge through content- rich nonfiction and informational texts Practice regularly with increasingly complex texts and academic vocabulary Read, write, and speak grounded in evidence from texts SUHUPU: How might these instructional shifts speak to I-8, communication and collaboration?

14 In small groups teachers will explain in writing and orally a strategy (One strategy I may use is…) for communication and collaboration that they will implement in an upcoming lesson. Red- function Green- form Blue- support Black- content Content/Language Objective 2

15 » What are some ways that you’ve incorporated communication and collaboration into your classroom? » Think of a lesson you are teaching tomorrow. » Planning Template: What are some ways you might incorporate communication and collaboration within your lesson? Connections to your Practice

16 » Review Model » Plan your lesson that incorporates I-8! » 15 minutes Planning Time

17 In small groups, share your plan for incorporating communication and collaboration in your lesson. Share Out When you plan for I-8, what other indicators might be impacted?

18 Reflecting on our Learning What are the differences between communication and collaboration? Why is communication and collaboration important to incorporate in lessons? What are some strategies you heard that you may include in your planning?

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