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Clearance: basic concept (in vitro) Update OCT 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Clearance: basic concept (in vitro) Update OCT 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clearance: basic concept (in vitro) Update OCT 2010

2 Clearance: definition What is a definition Formal: –rate of drug elimination scaled by plasma concentration Operational –Volume of the plasma totally cleared by time unit

3 Operational definition Is the one that expresses what is observed, without regarding how it may be interpreted

4 Rate of elimination driving concentration Clearance = = dx /dt driving concentration Amount/Time concentration mass x T -1 mass x V -1 = V x T -1 Clearance: definition

5 Clearance : from in vitro to in vivo

6 cell dx/dt Driving concentration = constant analyte Clearance = = Volume of the solution totally cleared by time unit dx/dt Cst intrinsic = operational definition In vitro clearance

7 Taking into account the analyte input analyte (C in ) (C out ) Limiting factors analyte supply = Q x (C in ) capacity of the system to clear: Clint ° Q ° Clearance: in vitro vs. in vitro

8 Clearance : in vitro vs in vivo In vitro In vivo Diffusion analyte Flow (Q) °

9 Q x C in Q x C out Q x (C in - C out ) Cl = dX /dt C in (Driving concentration) = Q x [C in - C out ] C in o o o o = Q x E o flow extraction coefficient (ratio) Clearance: general model

10 Cl organ = Q organ x E organ Flow Flow organ Cl is the blood (plasma) volume which is totally cleared of the drug for a time unit. Clearance is expressed in terms of flow which makes its interpretation difficult for a clinician organism Clearance: general model extration ratio (0 to 1) no unit

11 Cl organ = Q organ x E organ = Q x organism C in - C out C in Cl organ = = organis m Rate of elimination C in Rem.:C in for an organism is the aortic blood concentration C in for an organ is either the aortic blood (eg. kidney) or portal blood (e.g.. liver) concentration Mass per time Concentration o o Clearance: general model

12 Quantifies elimination Is usually constant ( a parameter) Parameter controlling exposure (AUC) Relevance of the clearance concept

13 For its usefulness –e.g.: dose computation For its mechanistic value –understanding of mechanism Relevance of the clearance concept

14 1. To the whole body –plasma clearance (body, blood) 2. To a specific organ –liver / kidney / others 3. in vitro systems –hepatocytes (extrapolation from in vitro to in vivo) Application of the clearance concept

15 Classification of clearances (Cl) By organ liver : Clh kidney : Clr By mechanism metabolic clearance (Clh) excretion clearance (Clr) With respect to the matrix fluid blood plasma Application of the clearance concept

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