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Group Members 吳明祐103001040 林徹103001102 汪俊宇103001150 田堉宏103001154 Wars on Cancer, Year 40, Who’s Winning.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Members 吳明祐103001040 林徹103001102 汪俊宇103001150 田堉宏103001154 Wars on Cancer, Year 40, Who’s Winning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Members 吳明祐103001040 林徹103001102 汪俊宇103001150 田堉宏103001154 Wars on Cancer, Year 40, Who’s Winning

2 Data about Cancer 一 Comparing Now & Before 三 Our Habits cause Cancer 二 Outline 2 Future - Genomic way 四


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8 Data about Cancer 一 Comparing Now & Before 三 Our Habits cause Cancer 二 Outline 8 Future - Genomic way 四

9 9 O UR H ABITS CAUSE C ANCER 1.How does smoking cause cancer?  Damaging our DNA.  It usually takes many years, or decades.

10 10 2.Why is being overweight linked to so many different types of cancer? O UR H ABITS CAUSE C ANCER  Fat cell  Hormones and chemical messenger

11 11 3.How alcohol causes cancer?! O UR H ABITS CAUSE C ANCER  In our bodies, alcohol (ethanol) is converted into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde( 乙醛 ).  Liver cancer.

12 Data about Cancer 一 Comparing Now & Before 三 Our Habits cause Cancer 二 Outline 12 Future - Genomic way 四

13 13 C OMPARING N OW & B EFORE 1.Treatment Cancer was cureless. The treatment of cancer has progressed apparently. Past: Today:

14 14 C OMPARING N OW & B EFORE 2.Awareness of Health People didn’t put emphasis on what they ate or the life style. People value “Health” more than before. Past: Today:

15 15 C OMPARING N OW & B EFORE 3.Conception of Cancer Cancer = Scary disease. People got cancer = Did something wrong. Getting cancer ≠ Hopeless ≠ 100% Death. Past: Today:

16 16 C OMPARING N OW & B EFORE 4.The Definition of Cancer By “symptoms” Through “gene” Past: Today:

17 Data about Cancer 一 Comparing Now & Before 三 Our Habits cause Cancer 二 Outline 17 Future - Genomic way 四

18 18 F UTURE - G ENOMIC WAY He is a doctor and pathologist He encouraged people using microscope. He figured out the cause of cancer and drew a profile of it. Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902)

19 19 F UTURE - G ENOMIC WAY  Though methods change, the definition of the cancer is same.

20 20  Molecule level  Gene sequence  Give a new definition of cancer  The genes are turned on, turned off or overexpressed. F UTURE - G ENOMIC WAY  Future - Genomic way

21 21  Avoid overdiagnosis, overtreatment.  Recatgorization of cancer.  The drug can use not only on a specific organ. F UTURE - G ENOMIC WAY  The advantage

22 Thanks for listening 22

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