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Brief Summary  Morality is seeking to know how to act and this act that we perform should be for our good and for the good for those around us.  For.

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Presentation on theme: "Brief Summary  Morality is seeking to know how to act and this act that we perform should be for our good and for the good for those around us.  For."— Presentation transcript:


2 Brief Summary  Morality is seeking to know how to act and this act that we perform should be for our good and for the good for those around us.  For morality, a perfect good is happiness so morality asks the question “what makes us happy?”  For many today, happiness comes in the tangible and temporal things  Wealth, power, honor, etc.  Christian morality however seeks out higher ground, it looks beyond this existence and transcends our happiness in God

3 Brief Summary  To obtain this happiness which is found in God, we need to mirror Christ who shows us what it means “to be like” God  We do this in many ways but one of the fundamental means by which we accomplish this is living out the virtues  Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, Justice

4 Humility as the connector  To live a virtuous life so to become like God (which ultimately means we will be with God) is to begin with humility  Without humility the virtues cannot be rightly practiced nor human dignity truthfully affirmed nor virtuous deed authentically accomplished

5 What is Humility?  Humility is rooted in gentleness, quietness, benevolence, nonaggression, modesty, etc.  Real humility has nothing to do with creating a low self-image or making ourselves feel guilty  One way humility is practiced is recognizing the talents we possess are gifts from God  These gifts are entrusted to us so to share to others  So Humility in a lot of ways has nothing do with me but my relation to others

6 What is Humility  Humility is being thankful for others and practicing love toward them; seeing the importance of every single life.  So in a deeper sense which connects us with chapter one, humility means honoring the divine image  To know who we are compared to God and to understand that we are made for God, we can start knowing how to act

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