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Should students be allowed to have cell phones at school? Kennycia Hairston.

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Presentation on theme: "Should students be allowed to have cell phones at school? Kennycia Hairston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should students be allowed to have cell phones at school? Kennycia Hairston

2 Pros Emergency contact Security Convenience Academic help

3 Cons Distraction Cheating Theft Misuse

4 Position Cell phones should be allowed in schools. When and or if used correctly cell phones can be of great use.

5 Reasons Many cell phones have several applications beneficial to school work such as the dictionary calendar and calculator. If the school was in any type of crisis students could let their parents or authorities know. Cell phones are instant communicators. Cell phones can serve as memory aids by taking pictures.

6 Reasons Many cell phones allow you to voice record which can be used for lectures. Teachers can send instant reminders to students this way. Group assignments are easily discussed via cell phone thru sms Bluetooth or phone calls.

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