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©Lehr, 2008 Communications Value Chain: perspectives on the future prepared for Telecom New Zealand April 2008 Dr. William Lehr

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Presentation on theme: "©Lehr, 2008 Communications Value Chain: perspectives on the future prepared for Telecom New Zealand April 2008 Dr. William Lehr"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Lehr, 2008 Communications Value Chain: perspectives on the future prepared for Telecom New Zealand April 2008 Dr. William Lehr ( Communications Futures Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 ©Lehr, 2008 2 Communications Value Chain: Outline  MIT Communications Futures Program (  Trends  Vision  Implications  Public Policy

3 ©Lehr, 2008 3 Our Vision at the Communications Futures Program (CFP) is to define the roadmap for communications and its impact on adjacent industries. CFP is a new cross cutting partnership between University and Industry. Industry partners include companies across the entire communications value chain including end users. Multidisciplinary : technology, bus strategy/economics & policy Cross Value Chain : chips  boxes  services, R&D  strategy  operations, industry  academia Open Communications : focus on destabilizing shifts of intelligence and control between network owners and end users

4 ©Lehr, 2008 4 Industry Partners: -- BT, Cisco, Comcast, France Telecom, Futurewei, Motorola, Nokia-Siemens, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telmex Working Groups: -- Viral: NexGen Wireless  distributed, end-user deployed, ad hoc (Media Lab) -- Value Chain Dynamics: industry value chain shifts (Sloan) -- Broadband and Interconnection: last-mile provider infrastructure (CSAIL) -- Internet Architecture: QoS, Priv-Sec, and NexGen Internet Arch (CSAIL) -- Spectrum: dynamic RF access mgmt regimes and policy (CSAIL) -- Optical Broadband: photonics and NexGen fiberoptic systems (CIPS)

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