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Biology Vocabulary Word Group 8. INVERTEBRATE An animal that does not have a backbone.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Vocabulary Word Group 8. INVERTEBRATE An animal that does not have a backbone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Vocabulary Word Group 8

2 INVERTEBRATE An animal that does not have a backbone

3 CNIDARIAN An invertebrate animal that includes jellyfish, coral, and hydras

4 RADIAL SYMMETRY An arrangement of body parts that resembles the arrangement of spokes on a wheel

5 TENTACLE An arm-like body part in invertebrates that is used for capturing prey

6 FLATWORM A simple worm that is flat and thin

7 BILATERAL SYMMETRY A body plan that consists of left and right halves that are the same

8 ROUNDWORM A worm with a smooth, round body and pointed ends

9 SEGMENTED WORM A worm whose body is divided into sections such as earthworms or leeches

10 MOLLUSK An invertebrate divided into three parts: head, body, foot

11 ARTHROPOD The largest group of invertebrates which include insects

12 MOLTING The process by which an arthropod sheds its external skeleton

13 CRUSTACEAN A class of arthropods that includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and sow bugs; they have five pairs of legs

14 ARACHNID A class of arthropods that includes spider, scorpions, mites, and ticks

15 COMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS Changes in form during development in which earlier stages do not look like the adult

16 INCOMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS Changes in form during development in which earlier stages look like the adult

17 PUPA A stage in the development of some insects that leads to the adult stage

18 ECHINODERMS Invertebrates which live in the ocean and include sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers

19 TUBE FOOT A small structure used by echinoderms for movement

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