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The following slides provide guidance on updating/correcting OIP addresses through ICAMS.

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Presentation on theme: "The following slides provide guidance on updating/correcting OIP addresses through ICAMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The following slides provide guidance on updating/correcting OIP addresses through ICAMS

2 Click on internet explorer.

3 Enter the URL:

4 Read the warning and then click on “ I agree to the above”.

5 1. Enter your ICAMS user ID and password. 2. Click on “HRIS sign in”

6 Click on “Position Management”.

7 Click on “office information profile”

8 1. Enter the applicable employee’s position number. 2. Click on “search”.

9 Review the record. If changes are needed, click on the “+” sign.

10 An easy way to locate the office id is to First click on the “search” button.

11 1. Enter the “city name” where the duty station is located. 2. Click on “look up”.

12 Click on the option for agency “FSA”.

13 The system will auto fill the information based upon your selection. 1.Review the information to ensure you made the correct selection. 2. Don’t forget to click on “SAVE”.

14 To see all the data For previous history, Click on “view all”

15 You can scroll down to See the old records. After you have finished with the update, click on “return to search” to perform updates of OIP addresses For other employees.

16 Whenever employees resign/ Separate, it is better to “inactivate” The position at the time you are Processing the separation unless You plan to use the positions again. This will save you extra steps. As long as the position is left active, it appears to those using the OIP addresses that the position is Still filled.

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