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Automating the Dispute Submission System COPS Data Task Force October 20, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Automating the Dispute Submission System COPS Data Task Force October 20, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automating the Dispute Submission System COPS Data Task Force October 20, 2004

2 Data Task Force Conference Call Held a conference call on 9/28/04 Held a conference call on 9/28/04 Many discussions Many discussions Many ideas Many ideas Compiled a list of requirements Compiled a list of requirements Improvements to existing system Improvements to existing system Ideas for new systems Ideas for new systems

3 Parallel Paths of Development Any automated dispute submission system would be developed in parallel with existing Web-GUI system. Any automated dispute submission system would be developed in parallel with existing Web-GUI system. Functional improvements would most likely be developed in both systems. Functional improvements would most likely be developed in both systems.

4 Improvements to Existing System (But not limited to existing system) Auto-fill information from Digital Certificate. Auto-fill information from Digital Certificate. Query multiple disputes by any dispute field (e.g. status, charge type, trade date, dispute date, etc.). Query multiple disputes by any dispute field (e.g. status, charge type, trade date, dispute date, etc.). Generate notice when dispute exceeds protocol resolution timelines. Generate notice when dispute exceeds protocol resolution timelines. Dispute multiple days and charge types. Dispute multiple days and charge types. Query archived dispute information – current system has a 60 day window for data availability. Query archived dispute information – current system has a 60 day window for data availability.

5 Ideas for New Systems XML-based system XML-based system New Data Extract New Data Extract

6 XML-Based System Submit disputes in formatted XML packets. Submit disputes in formatted XML packets. Two-way communication (push-pull). Two-way communication (push-pull). Bypass Web-GUI. Bypass Web-GUI. Attach any file-type with dispute data. Attach any file-type with dispute data. ERCOT should provide template for each charge type listing information needed for dispute. ERCOT should provide template for each charge type listing information needed for dispute. Auditing and tracking Auditing and tracking Dispute ID Dispute ID Timestamp Timestamp

7 New Data Extract Dispute data posted for market participants on a scheduled basis. Dispute data posted for market participants on a scheduled basis. Requires DDL to format to set-up receiving database Requires DDL to format to set-up receiving database

8 Next Steps COPS should determine functional requirements for dispute system improvements. COPS should determine functional requirements for dispute system improvements. COPS should submit System Change Request (SCR) so that project follows normal prioritization process. COPS should submit System Change Request (SCR) so that project follows normal prioritization process.

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