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Population Ecology. Population A group of individuals of a single species in a given area Density Dispersion.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Ecology. Population A group of individuals of a single species in a given area Density Dispersion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Ecology

2 Population A group of individuals of a single species in a given area Density Dispersion

3 Demography The study of statistics that affect population size

4 Life Table

5 Reproductive Table

6 Population Growth Exponential Growth dN/dt = r max N dN = change in number dt = change in time r max = intrinsic growth rate N = number of ind.

7 Population Growth Logistic Growth dN/dt = r max N (K-N) K dN = change in number dt = change in time r max = intrinsic growth rate N = number of ind. K = Carrying Capacity

8 Logistic Growth

9 Life Histories r selected Large number of offspring No parental care Small in size Short lifespan K selected Small number of offspring Large amounts of parental care Large in size Longer lifespan

10 Human Population and ZPG Which type of growth do humans follow? What is ZPG?

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