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Reflection Tool: working with children with ASD

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1 Reflection Tool: working with children with ASD
Hatty Chick Lorna Johnston 30th September 2015

2 Plan Context GIRFEC Principles Development process The Reflection Tool
Next steps Lorna

3 Project: Culture Change
Factors supporting systemic change: Professional development Culture change Consultations and conversations Autism aware planning Improving practice at pathway 1 and 2 Training Perspectives Lorna There are different factors which support systemic change **CLICK** Importance of Consultations and conversations - In getting into different environments and in being noticed consultations and conversations Promoting a Culture change in the authority by applying psychology in a multi-disciplinary forum and in a systemic way The conversations that we have been having all over the city over the past 2 years have made a difference. We’ve become the Autism development Team. This is a two edged sword because we don’t want to the job to be shifted to the ‘experts’ but on the other hand our work has raised the profile of autism in the city – in schools and in our headquarters. empowering people - Whilst some of us ARE very much more knowledgeable than class teachers – of course we are we are aware of the need to make sure that class teachers know that their job is to support all of the students in their class Improving practice at pathway 1 and 2 Service delivery in the City of Edinburgh is through a staged intervention – Pathways to support - pathway 1 is within the class and pathway 2 is within the school. Our work has tried to focus particularly on changing what happens at pathway 1 and 2. By doing this we are aiming at real change throughout the system Empowering people How do we do this? empowering staff but also parents, carers and students – with this bottom up push systems have to look to change even if there is some reluctance to do so. We must do this through Professional development? Professional development? Our work impacts directly on the professional development as a whole in the city: the schools and educational establishments and also of us as a service. At the moment I am steeped in autism but this year’s project is to ensure that my colleagues are abreast with the work we are doing and able to take it on as well. Training In addition, training supports culture change and new perspectives – our training targets the Pathway 1 and 2 staff – particularly keen to ensure that SMT and PSAs are present so that this drip drip approach can begin to impact on system Perspectives – we have been working hard to include the perspective of parent and child

4 Lorna GIRFEC

5 Underlying principles
Empowerment Pupil participation Equality Lorna Principles: Equality- inclusion and everyone having an equal voice- giving parents a voice- discouraging judgments Pupil participation Empowerment

6 Development process Hatty Development process Angus Web of Wellbeing
Consultation Draft Tool Pilots run Transition focus Rolling out Hatty Development process

7 School Tool Hatty

8 Parent Tool Hatty

9 Child Tool Hatty

10 Wellbeing Web Hatty


12 Powerpoint Hatty

13 Next Steps Refine the Tool Launch Train Share Review cycle Hatty

14 In conclusion Hatty Our project is:
Culture Change attitude change training resources increased capacity procedures Hatty Our project is: Changing and implementing more training As a result of that we are hoping that there will be more understanding of existing resources And we are increasing resources by implanting some new programmes such as PEERS and the parental information evenings. From all of this we hope that there will be a change in procedures – the reflection tool is important to us here but also that there will be better communication etc. Then from this we aim to Have increased capacity within the staff in the city of Edinburgh and overall an attitude change leading to a change in the whole culture

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