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Game Theme Here. Topic Four Topic Five Topic Six Topic Three Topic Two Topic One.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Theme Here. Topic Four Topic Five Topic Six Topic Three Topic Two Topic One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Theme Here

2 Topic Four Topic Five Topic Six Topic Three Topic Two Topic One

3 Topic One: Classical Gas Describe for your partner these classic American novels in 30 seconds or less.

4 Classical Gas 1. Gone with the Wind 2. To Kill a Mockingbird 3. Huckleberry Finn 4. Catcher in the Rye 5. The Scarlet Letter 6. The Red Badge of Courage 7. Charlotte’s Web

5 Worth a Thousand Words Describe for your partner these children’s book illustrators in 30 seconds or less.

6 Worth a Thousand Words 1. Maurice Sendak 2. Trina Schart Hyman 3. Mike Wimmer 4. Robert McCloskey 5. Chris Van Allsburg 6. Susan Jeffers 7. Jerry Pinkney

7 Type Casting Describe for your partner these genres of literature in 30 seconds or less.

8 Type Casting 1. Folk Tales 2. Historical Fiction 3. Poetry 4. Biography 5. Fantasy 6. Nonfiction 7. Contemporary Realistic Fiction

9 Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other Describe for your partner these elements of Eisenberg and Berkowitz’s Big Six information skills in 30 seconds or less.

10 Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other 1. Define the task 2. Organize the information 3. Select the best possible sources 4. Evaluate the product and process 5. Find information within sources 6. Extract information 7. Present the information

11 Where There’s a Will Describe for your partner these Shakespearean plays in 30 seconds or less.

12 Where There’s a Will 1. Romeo and Juliet 2. Hamlet 3. King Lear 4. Macbeth 5. As You Like It 6. A Midsummer Night’s Dream 7. The Tempest

13 Little Engine that Could Describe for your partner these Internet search engines in 30 seconds or less.

14 Little Engine that Could 1. Metacrawler 2. Northern Light 3. Lycos 4. Alta Vista 5. Hot Bot 6. Dogpile 7. Ditto

15 Winner’s Circle Name for your partner things that fit each category. You may not describe the category, only list items within it. You have one minute.

16 $1,000,000 $75,000 $50,000 $35,000$20,000$10,000 Selection Tools Literary Awards Information Power Standards Banned Books Dewey Decimal System Poems of Robert Frost

17 You Win!!!


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