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The MARGINS Program Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee “To.

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Presentation on theme: "The MARGINS Program Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee “To."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MARGINS Program Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee Geoff Abers, Boston University Chair, MARGINS Steering Committee “To understand the complex interplay of processes that govern the evolution of continental margins”

2 MARGINS MiniLesson Workshop Conveners  Jeff Ryan, USF  Cathy Manduca, Carleton  Don Reed, San Jose State  Jeff Ryan, USF  Cathy Manduca, Carleton  Don Reed, San Jose State MARGINS Education Advisory Committee: Above, plus Rosemary Hickey-Vargas Paul Umhoefer Andrew Goodwillie (Data Center) Pamela Lezaeta (MARGINS Office)

3 The MARGINS Concept  Broad Initiatives through elucidated through community workshops: Science Plan  All Initiatives “cross the shoreline”  Focus Sites concentrate resources The Machinery:  Independent NSF Panel funds proposals  Steering Committee represents Community  Logistics and coordination: MARGINS Office  New: Education Advisory Committee  Broad Initiatives through elucidated through community workshops: Science Plan  All Initiatives “cross the shoreline”  Focus Sites concentrate resources The Machinery:  Independent NSF Panel funds proposals  Steering Committee represents Community  Logistics and coordination: MARGINS Office  New: Education Advisory Committee

4 Themes and Initiatives  How do continents grow?  composition: The Subduction Factory  mechanics: Seismogenic Zone Experiment  How do continental margins change?  material transport: Sediment Source to Sink  mechanics: Rupturing Continental Lithosphere  How do continents grow?  composition: The Subduction Factory  mechanics: Seismogenic Zone Experiment  How do continental margins change?  material transport: Sediment Source to Sink  mechanics: Rupturing Continental Lithosphere

5 Focus Sites Nankai (S. Japan) Central America Izu-Bonin-Mariana Gulf of California/Salton Trough Gulf of Papua (New Guinea) Waipaoa (New Zealand)

6 Initiatives & Focus Sites  Production, transport & storage of sediments & solutes from source to sink Sediment Source-to-SInk S2S Gulf of Papua Waipaoa, N.Z.  Nature and genesis of large subduction- zone thrust earthquakes and the faults that make them Seismogenic Zone SEIZE Nankai Central America

7 Initiatives & Focus Sites  The cycling of material, fluids, and energy from trench to arc and deep earth; growth of continents Subduction Factory SubFac Central America Izu-Bonin-Mariana Allied: Cascadia, Aleutians  Driving forces for rift initiation, propagation and evolution, from continent to ocean basin Rupturing Continental Lithosphere RCL Gulf of California/Salton Trough Allied: Red Sea

8 Broad Integration  Approaches include: seismology, marine geology, drilling, geodesy, petrology, geochemistry, geodynamical modeling, rock deformation, sedimentology, structural geology, geochronology, geomorphology, stratigraphy, fluvial & porewater hydrology, coastal hydrodynamics, sediment chemistry, etc……onshore & offshore…  Individual awards typically within discipline; challenge is to foster cross-discipline integration and synthesis  Approaches include: seismology, marine geology, drilling, geodesy, petrology, geochemistry, geodynamical modeling, rock deformation, sedimentology, structural geology, geochronology, geomorphology, stratigraphy, fluvial & porewater hydrology, coastal hydrodynamics, sediment chemistry, etc……onshore & offshore…  Individual awards typically within discipline; challenge is to foster cross-discipline integration and synthesis

9 Example: Central America  Broadband Seismic Experiment driven by geochemical measurements…  and integrated with onshore/offshore seismics, drilling, rock mechanics, sed. chemistry, …  and tied to thrust zone through GPS, tremor arrays, …  Broadband Seismic Experiment driven by geochemical measurements…  and integrated with onshore/offshore seismics, drilling, rock mechanics, sed. chemistry, …  and tied to thrust zone through GPS, tremor arrays, … Abers et al., IRIS Newslet., 2007

10 Central America: 22 funded projects/ 38 awards  4 passive seismic + GPS (2 field)  3 active-source seismic (1 major)  6 marine geophysical/hydrological  9 geochemistry Related MARGINS Efforts  13 experimental, lab or modeling  5 relevant workshops (1999 - 2007)  4 passive seismic + GPS (2 field)  3 active-source seismic (1 major)  6 marine geophysical/hydrological  9 geochemistry Related MARGINS Efforts  13 experimental, lab or modeling  5 relevant workshops (1999 - 2007)

11 MARGINS Education Activities  Web Page  Data Access Portal  Distinguished Lecture Program  AGU Student Prize  This Workshop: MARGINS MiniLessons  plans for other Undergraduate Activities  Web Page  Data Access Portal  Distinguished Lecture Program  AGU Student Prize  This Workshop: MARGINS MiniLessons  plans for other Undergraduate Activities

12 Program Status  First initiatives started in 2000  All Science Plans accepted by 2004  82 funded projects; ~110 PI’s; all initiatives; ~$6M/yr  2004 program review emphasized more integration  SubFac: many projects in Focus Sites; relatively mature  RCL: 2005 change of Red Sea from Focus to Allied Site  Program review/renewal in 2009: what follows?  Major Goal 2007-9: Evaluate successes, chart new directions  First initiatives started in 2000  All Science Plans accepted by 2004  82 funded projects; ~110 PI’s; all initiatives; ~$6M/yr  2004 program review emphasized more integration  SubFac: many projects in Focus Sites; relatively mature  RCL: 2005 change of Red Sea from Focus to Allied Site  Program review/renewal in 2009: what follows?  Major Goal 2007-9: Evaluate successes, chart new directions

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