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Maintain a log of work placement tasks and personal development Your work experience diary should;  Describe the tasks you completed each day  Identify.

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3 Maintain a log of work placement tasks and personal development Your work experience diary should;  Describe the tasks you completed each day  Identify the skills you used each day  Identify the knowledge gained each day

4 Be specific about what tasks involved you developing or using skills and knowledge

5 Working to deadlines Prioritising tasks Using your initiative to look for jobs that need doing Organising yourself Working with others on a task Completing part of a task so that others can use/build on your work Speaking to customers/business colleagues and contacts Customer services training Returns/refund policies Complaints procedure Listening to others Communicating your ideas/knowledge in meeting or on phone Communicating with senior colleagues

6 Specific knowledge about the business or company E.g. Aims of company, company ethos First aid/accident procedures Health and Safety Procedures Fire safety procedures Uniform requirements Breaks and absence procedure Specific services they offer Specific product or products offered by the company


8 Describe the knowledge/skills gained during specific tasks You must describe;  What was learnt from a task  When this was learnt  How this was learnt

9 Exemplar Task Answering Phone Calls What was learnt ;  how to use a script to answer calls  How to communicate with customer  How to answer queries When this was learnt;  When working on the reception phones How this was learnt;  Watch and listen to others first  Practice taking pretend phone calls  Asking questions from supervisor  Having a go at taking a phone call

10 Exemplar Task Helping customers with their purchase What was learnt ;  How to communicate with customers  Product knowledge  Problem solving When this was learnt;  When helping elderly lady find a suitable present for her grandson How this was learnt;  Watched other staff with customers  Asked other staff for help and what to do  Approached customers and started to practice helping them  Ask for feedback from supervisor on how I did

11 Exemplar Task Attending a meeting What was learnt ;  how to structure a meeting (agenda, minutes)  How to communicate with colleagues When this was learnt;  In a meeting about the company budget How this was learnt;  Listening to others speak  Taking notes  Speaking to others and asking questions

12 Exemplar Task Attending a meeting What was learnt ;  how to structure a meeting (agenda, minutes)  How to communicate with colleagues When this was learnt;  In a meeting about the company budget How this was learnt;  Listening to others speak  Taking notes  Speaking to others and asking questions


14 Identify aspects of the work experience that could have been improved For example you may have liked to improve the following;  Gain experience/learning in another task  Practice specific skills before starting the work placement  Communicating better with the supervisor  Manage your time more effectively

15 Exemplar I would have liked to learn more about how the shop processes store account cards and how people get accepted for credit I would like to have asked my supervisor more questions about what training the company provides on...... I would like to have managed my time more effectively when working on the computer to get more tasks completed I would have likes to practice how to change oil in a car before going on work experience so that I could do it more independantly


17 You must describe at least 2 ways that improvements could be made to the tasks carried out. Improvements could be;  More effective communication  Time keeping  Positive attitude

18 Exemplar I could improve the way I dealt with customers by having a more positive attitude when approaching them. I was nervous speaking to new people and I think this could have put customers off and made me seem grumpy. If I approached them with a positive attitude, I would appear to have more confidence and they may be more willing to speak to me.

19 Exemplar When using the computer for the first time, I got stuck and ended up making a mistake. If I used more effective communication with my supervisor I could have asked them for help or to go over it again before I made the mistake.


21 You must describe at least 1 way that the work experience has influenced your thinking about your future. For example; I enjoyed working with children in the school but didn't enjoy working with the younger year groups. Instead of looking at being an primary school teacher, I think I may prefer to be a secondary school teacher. I didnt like working in an office because I was sat down a lot of the time and prefer to be on my feet more active. I would prefer to be a supervisor within the company instead because they were more involved with meetings and would visit different offices rather than being based in one place. I liked working with customers and helping them so I would like to pursue a career in sales. I preferred helping them with fashion items so I would like to work in a fashion shop instead of a general shop.


23 You must set 2 short-term and 2 long-term goals that are SMART S – specific M – measureable A – achievable R – Relevant T - Timed

24 You must set 2 short-term and 2 long-term goals that are SMART Short-Term Attend maths revision every week until the exam in order to improve my Maths grade Long-Term Apply for an A-level accounting course which can get me onto an accounting degree in university.

25 You must set 2 short-term and 2 long-term goals that are SMART Short-Term Volunteer to work with E3 and the PE department to help out with sports events and gain experience Long-Term Get a job working in a sports centre training people

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