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The NANO age of study. …….. I’ve travelled by airplane few times while going on contests. And I really find meaningless the time spent on the.

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1 The NANO age of study


3 …….. I’ve travelled by airplane few times while going on contests. And I really find meaningless the time spent on the airport chairs

4 As an entrepreneur who travels a lot, I personally wouldn’t mind giving free lecture to strangers. I am a person who likes to travel a lot. As an aerobic instructor, I am willing to share my knowledge about healthy life with othe rs They found the idea: Creative Brings togetherness Educative Fun

5 Kiran Bedi was one of India's top cops -- tough, innovative and committed to social change. Now retired from the national police force, Bedi runs two NGOs that benefit rural and urban poor. Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence. Source:

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