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Quiet Signal -When the teacher says High Five Please -Stop what you’re doing -Get quiet -All eyes on the teacher -listen.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiet Signal -When the teacher says High Five Please -Stop what you’re doing -Get quiet -All eyes on the teacher -listen."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quiet Signal -When the teacher says High Five Please -Stop what you’re doing -Get quiet -All eyes on the teacher -listen


4 Hand signals -Fingers crossed = bathroom -One finger = tissue or trash -Two fingers = pencil -Three fingers = nurse -Whole hand = question or comment pertaining to the conversation

5 Classroom Must-Haves -1 subject spiral notebook -EARBUDS -Pencil -Smile -Good attitude

6 Borrowing my stuff -Pencil are hanging in the clips (8) -Borrow a pencil, -write your initials in the spot -Return at the end of class -Earbuds in the bucket (8) -Borrow earbuds -Return tied neatly

7 Entering the classroom -Come in quietly -Designated person retrieve notebooks from the shelf -Turn in any HW -Retrieve any missed work -Sharpen pencils -Begin Warm-up

8 Warm-ups -There will be a Warm- up every day. -We will have a warm-up quiz every Friday

9 Turning in Work -All work to be turned into the correct class period bin. -If you didn’t complete a homework assignment -Retrieve your missed homework sheet from your file folder -Fill it out correctly -Return it to your file folder


11 Leaving the classroom -Use the proper hand signal -Get permission from me -Fill out necessary paperwork -Get the proper pass -Fill out white board -Name -Time -Destination -Go directly to destination and return swiftly

12 I was absent? -Go to your class periods drawer in the BLACK file cabinet. -Locate your file folder -Retrieve your missed work -You have 1 WEEK to complete any missed work -I forgot to get it will not work as an excuse



15 Noise Levels Independent work = No talking Pair work = whisper voice Team work = speaking voice Whole Group discussion = loud voice

16 I can’t seem to stay on task -1 st disruption = warning -2 nd disruption = conference with me -3 rd disruption = phone call home -4 th disruption = Lunch Detention -5th disruption = office referral

17 Gum, Drinks and Snacks -As long as I don’t SEE it or HEAR it - Has to have a lid - As long as it doesn’t disrupt others or make a mess

18 Leaving the room -Stand up -Push in your chairs -Stand behind your chair -Wait to be dismissed by team -(7 th only) put up the chairs

19 iPads -Always in the stand -When not in use turned backward in stand -Yes you may charge it - No you can’t sit by the chargers



22 Class Participation - I can 100% guarantee you will do better in this class if you participate!

23 Group Project s - All members of the group will be held accountable!






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