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Web Application Development 1 Course Introduction.

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1 Web Application Development 1 Course Introduction

2 Course Info Course Number and Name: IS242 - Web Application Development 1 Credits and Contact hours: Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 2 Credit Hours: 4 Prerequisites: IS251 2

3 Instructor Info Instructor’s Information: Name: Alaa Alharbi E-mail: Website: Office No: 376 – Aljazeera B 3

4 Course Objectives Scrutinize the internet technologies involved in web application development Introduce the basics of Client-side and server-side technologies Apply the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3, XML, and JavaScript Examine the basics of web servers and websites Introduce the basics of server-side scripting language PHP and ASP.Net 4

5 Course Outline 1. Introduction to computers and Internet Technologies 2. HTML5 3. CSS3 4. JavaScript 5. XML 6. Web servers 7. Database: SQL/MySQL 8. PHP 5

6 References Deitel & Deitel (2011): Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, 5th Edition, Harvey & Paul Deitel& Associates. Randy Connolly (2007), Core Internet Application Development with ASP.NET 2.0, Prentice Hall. 6

7 Course Assessment 7

8 Plagiarism Policy Zero Tolerance! Any assignment found to have been plagiarized will be awarded zero! This includes using others’ (e.g. classmates’) code in your assignment without indicating the reference. If you do not write it yourself, provide the reference! Remember to always provide code comments referencing the author of the code. 8

9  Late Work Policy  How to get A+  Attendance General Notes 9

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