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Presentation on theme: " Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics INDICATORS OF GENDER EQUALITY IN LITHUANIA Sigutė Litvinavičienė Demographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics INDICATORS OF GENDER EQUALITY IN LITHUANIA Sigutė Litvinavičienė Demographic and Migration Statistics Division, Chief Specialist


3 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 3 LITHUANIA – 2010 POPULATION (million) 3.2 Women 1.7 Men 1.5 TOTAL AREA (thousand, km.) 65.3 LIFE EXPECTANCY (years) Women 78.8 Men 68.0 EMPLOYMENT (per cent) Women 60.5 Men 60.9 UNEMPLOYMENT (per cent) Women 13.0 Men 17.8 GENDER PAY GAP (per cent) 14.6

4 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 4 NATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK  Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the Republic of Lithuania;  Law on Equal Treatment of the Republic of Lithuania;  National Strategy for the Reduction of Violence against Women and Annual Implementation Plan for the Years 2010–2012, No 853, approved on 19 August 2009;  National Antidiscrimination Programme for the Years 2009–2011, No 317, approved on 15 April 2009;  National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for the Years 2010–2014, No 530, approved on 4 May 2010.

5 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 5 DATA SOURCES  Population censuses (Population and Housing Census in Lithuania, 2011);  Household surveys (Labour Force Survey, European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions, Time Use Survey, Information and Communications Technologies Usage in Households and Individuals, etc.);  Business (enterprise) survey;  Administrative data sources (Ministries of Education and Science, Social Security and Labour, Health, Justice, as well as the Prosecution Service, Prison Department, Institute of Hygiene, State Social Insurance Fund Board, National Courts Administration, Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania and other institutions).

6 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 6 EDUCATION AND SCIENCE NUMBER OF WOMEN PER 100 MEN, 2010–2011 Beginning of the academic year Primary and basic education General upper secondary education Vocational education Higher university education. Higher non- university education

7 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 7 EDUCATION AND SCIENCE  53 per cent women students in all educational institutions;  At schools of higher education women make up in social services – 91 per cent, psychology – 84 per cent and men – engineering (92 per cent), transport services (91 per cent), computing (86 per cent);  In 2010, 45 thousand specialists were graduated from higher education institutions, 66 per cent – women. Teaching staff are women at: general schools – 87 per cent; colleges and vocational schools – 68 per cent; universities – 49 per cent.

8 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 8 RESEARCH AND SCIENCE, 2010 Total Researchers with a scientific habilitated doctor doctor professor associate professor Other researchers PhD students

9 LABOUR MARKET  Labour Force Survey – the most commonly used measure of the economic activity, employment and unemployment of the population;  In 2010, the economic activity rate of women (aged 15–64) – 69, men – 72 per cent;  The employment rate of women – 59 per cent (men – 57 per cent);  The unemployment rate of women – 14 per cent (men – 21 per cent).  The number of women working part-time – 9.3 per cent of all employed (men – 6.7 per cent);  Women are more likely to work in health and social work – 85 per cent, men - in construction – 87 per cent; Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics9

10 GENDER PAY GAP  Gender pay gap – the difference between men's and women's average gross hourly earnings as a percentage of men's. It is estimated by economic activity, sector, age group.  I n industry, construction and services – 15 per cent (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security);  In the private sector – 19 per cent, in the public sector – 14 per cent;  The highest gender pay gap in financial and insurance activities – 44 per cent, in manufacturing – 30 per cent; Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics10

11 WOMEN IN DECISION MAKING  The first woman President of the Republic of Lithuania was elected in 2009;  Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania is woman (women represent 18 per cent, 25 per cent – of European Parliament);  There are 2 women ministers in the fifteenth Government of the Republic of Lithuania;  General Director of Statistics Lithuania is woman;  In 2010, 22 per cent women were elected to the municipal councils of the Republic of Lithuania;  In 2010, 41 per cent women of all leaders (legislators, senior officers and managers). Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics11

12 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 12 WOMEN AND MEN ELECTED TO PARLIAMENT

13 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 13 FUTURE PLANS  Preparation of publication of statistical information on women and men using 2011 Population and Housing Census data;  Explore the users’ wishes (using questionnaire) to receive more detailed statistical information on women and men;  Further revision and development of Key indicators;  Co-operation between countries and sharing the experiences on gender statistics issues and satisfy increasing user needs;  Compile statistical data in the Database of Indicators of Statistics Lithuania.

14 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 14 WOMEN AND MEN IN LITHUANIA 2010

15 Geneva, 12-14 March 2012 Work Session on Gender Statistics 15 INТЕRNЕТ

16 Work Session on Gender Statistics 16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!   Geneva, 12-14 March 2012

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