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“Meet the Teacher” Wednesday 9 th September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "“Meet the Teacher” Wednesday 9 th September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Meet the Teacher” Wednesday 9 th September 2015

2 Welcome to the Y6 team Mrs Marriott 6M, Head of KS2, SENCo Mr Hall 6H, subject leader for PE Mrs Liddle Teaching assistant with responsibility for class cover for 6H, intervention programmes

3 Outline of the Year Planet in Peril (climate change, seas, waste & recycling, deforestation) Enterprise Week (imports/exports, marketing, trading) Another World (Literacy-based topic using books containing imagined settings) Who’s The Boss – Explorers, British Empire & Colonialism… to include a new Y6 topic – Egyptians and their rulers. Bread – ‘seed to sandwich’, making breads etc

4 Classroom routines Maths first session Literacy-based work second session Daily class reading or private reading before lunch Y6 lunchtime responsibilities Encouraging independence of Year 6 children

5 Expectations Academic Expectations National / local expectations TA & SATs Behaviour Expectations WORK HARD, BE KIND Commendations & table points 1 st time every time Ask, tell, warn, move, remove Behaviour book

6 Homework Numeracy weekly (6M –Fri-Fri, 6H Fri-Weds) Additional tasks set on Mathletics Topic/literacy-based fortnightly (often required for a specific lesson to produce a further piece of work) Optional homework We encourage parental involvement!

7 ‘Big Bad World’ E-safety - internet safety, cyber-bullying, social networking issues DARE – age-appropriate discussion and work relating to various drugs, smoking and alcohol Sex Education

8 PE Kit in school ALL week please Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, sports socks and activity-appropriate footwear. Earrings MUST be removed, hair tied back To include tag rugby, hockey (and other invasion games) dance, athletics & volleyball

9 Planners Daily use Parent / teacher signature weekly Please encourage children to make regular use of them: Private reading Key dates and deadlines Club dates Use for notes or messages to staff

10 Newsletters & Communication Termly from Year 6 to advise on current topics, visits and key dates Weekly for the whole school Weekly and termly newsletters are always on the school website Parents Evenings (20 th /22 nd October and in March)

11 Visits Safety Zone (September) Duke’s Barn (May) Orston (July)

12 The ‘S’ word! w/c May 9 th 2016 Meeting later in the year to discuss both this and also Duke’s Barn Revision guides Target groups Booster groups

13 AOB Junior Workshops 8 sessions September (6M) January (6H)

14 Question Time

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