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Learning Objectives To be able to:-  Consider and be able to discuss issues concerning the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives To be able to:-  Consider and be able to discuss issues concerning the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives To be able to:-  Consider and be able to discuss issues concerning the environment

2  Environmental Ethics – Scheme of work checklist

3 Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:  the issue of how humans should relate to the environment, its resources and species;  religious and secular approaches – the Gaia hypothesis;  issues in business ethics: the relationship between business and consumers; the relationship between employers and employees;  the relationship between business and the environment; business and globalisation;  the application and the different approaches of the ethical theories listed above to environmental and business ethics.  Candidates should be able to discuss these areas critically.

4  Discuss: What are the environmental issues today?  What is the main cause for each of these problems  Is there one main cause of environmental problems, which can be highlighted?

5  Complete the glossary  Paired/independent learning task for next lesson – research one current environmental issue  Be prepared to give a three minute talk on the issue raising different views about the issue  Find and print in colour one picture that represents your issue – to use in your presentation

6  Prepare a 3 minute discussion based on your picture.  Consider: what questions to do want to ask/discuss? What conclusion would you like to reach, if any?  Is this really a issue/crisis?  Should we be worried?  What effect does this have on us?  Are we responsible?  Does environmental ethics apply to this?

7  Ethics 7 – Bennett, pages 5-12  Environmental Ethics – Walker, pages 27-45  The Environment – Singer, pages 264-288  Environmental Ethics – Vardy, pages 220-233

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