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2 1. Purpose & Objectives of the Conditional Grant. Purpose  To have transformed urban and rural community infrastructure, Facilities and service through a recapitalized programme at provincial level in support of local government and national initiatives.

3 Objective  To enable the South African society to gain access to knowledge and information that will improve their social economic situation. Outcome  Improved library and information services responsive to the needs of the community

4 2.1 Improved coordination and collaboration between national, provincial and Local government on library services  Output: Community library governance structures developed in all provinces & national level.  Performance Indicator: Quarterly forum meetings held in all four districts.  Allocated Budget: R60,000.00  Performance Indicator: Annual stakeholders workshop held with local municipalities.  Allocated Budget: R401,000.00

5 2.2 Transformed & equitable library & information service delivered to all rural and urban community libraries  Output: Library Material Purchased(books, periodicals, toys etc.)  Performance Indicator: 60 000 items of library material will be purchased to address collection gaps in community library.  Allocated Budget: R7,000,000.00  Performance Indicator: Toy library services established in 10 community libraries  Allocated Budget: R300,000.00

6  Output: Services for the people with visual disabilities introduced at community libraries.  Performance Indicator: 4 minilibs established for services to people with visual disabilities supported in community libraries.  Allocated Budget: R1,500,000.00

7 2.3 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the needs North West community.  Output: New library structure built  Performance Indicator: 4 Library building projects completed  Allocated Budget: R8,500,000.00  Output: Existing library structure upgraded and maintained  Performance Indicator: 12 Community libraries upgraded & maintained  Allocated Budget: R7,000,000.00

8 2.4 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the needs North West community  Output: Existing library structure upgraded and maintained  Performance Indicator :Procurement of Library furniture for new, maintained and upgraded community library.  Allocated Budget: R2,000,000.00  Performance Indicator: Security services provided in 16 community libraries.  Allocated Budget:R1,500,000.00

9 2.5 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the needs North West community  Output: Vehicles provided to community libraries.  Performance Indicator: Vehicles provided in 16 Local Municipalities for community library staff use.  Allocated Budget: R1,450,000.00  Output: Improved library ICT Infrastructure systems based on open software.  Performance Indicator: Brocade Library system implemented in 14 Community libraries.  Allocated Budget: R200,000.00

10 2.6 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the needs North West community.  Output: Improved library ICT Infrastructure systems based on open software.  Performance Indicator: Public Internet Access Implemented in 20 Community Libraries.  Allocated Budget: R2,000,000.00  Performance Indicator:50 Computers purchased for new and upgraded community libraries  Allocated Budget: R500,000.00

11 2.7 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the needs North West community.  Output: New library structure built.  Performance Indicator: 3 Container libraries established in 3 local municipalities.  Allocated Budget: R1,200,000.00

12 2.8 Improved Culture of Reading.  Output: Mobile library services used to introduce new library service and reading awareness programmes.  Performance Indicator: 1 Mobile library bus service introduced to promote library services and reading awareness programmes in the district.  Allocated Budget: R1,653,000.00  Output: Literacy campaigns held in each local municipality  Performance Indicator: Literacy campaigns held in 21 local Municipalities.  Allocated Budget: R470,000.00  Output: Events held to raise awareness of reading books in indigenous languages in community libraries.  Performance Indicator: : 4 events held to raise awareness on reading of books written in indigenous languages.  Allocated Budget: R430,000.00

13  2.9 Improved Culture of Reading.  Output: Reading awareness and library promotion programmes presented in targeted community libraries.  Performance Indicator: Promotional material purchased to support reading awareness and library promotion programmes.

14 2.10 Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to appropriately respond to community knowledge and information needs.  Output: Additional Staff appointed for community libraries.  Performance Indicator:24 professional and support staff appointed for community libraries.  Allocated Budget:R20,951,000.00

15 2.11 Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to appropriately respond to community knowledge and information needs.  Output: Sustainable in-service training programmes in line with national and provincial skills development strategies developed and implement.  Performance Indicator: 5 training courses provided to community library staff.  Allocated Budget:R700,000.00

16 2.12 Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to appropriately respond to community knowledge and information needs.  Output: Sustainable in-service training programmes in line with national and provincial skills development strategies developed and implement.  Performance Indicator: 56 community librarians awarded an opportunity to attend professional conferences.  Allocated Budget: R400,000.00

17 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 1. Governan ce Structure s Quarterly Forum meetings held in all four districts 4 meetings per district per Quarter. 1644. 2. Library Material 60,000 items procured 15,000 items per quarter on average 60,00015,00 0 31,407(16,407 ) Most of the service providers were activated during the second quarter hence such high return.

18 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 3. Library Material Purchase d 10 Toy Libraries establishe d 10 units to be delivered during the forth quarter. 10000Establishing of the 10 toy libraries planned for 4 th Quarter. Tender advertised and to be evaluated. 4. Services for the visually impaired people Establish 4 minilibs for services of the visually impaired people 1 minilib per quarter 4100New Procuremen t procedures were introduced and this delayed the procuremen t of equipment to establish the minilibs.

19 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 5. New library structure Built 4 library building projects completed 1 Project for 2 nd and 3 rd quarter and two projects for 4 th quarter. 4120On target transfers were done to Dertig & Boikhutso library status report available. 6. Existing library structure upgraded and maintain ed 11 Communit y library upgraded and maintaine d 2 per quarter 11400Only backlog projects form 2009- 2010 were carried out. The department introduced new model which was never implemente d this hampered the implementa tion of the identified projects for 2010-2011

20 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 6. Existing library structure upgraded and maintain ed Procurem ent of library furniture for new and upgraded libraries 9 2 per Quarter 9260Furniture was procured for all the identified libraries 6. Existing library structure upgraded and maintain ed Security services provided in 18 communit y libraries 16 0Target was met.

21 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 7. Vehicles provided to communi ty libraries 16 vehicle provided to communit y libraries for use by library staff members 16 000Tender evaluated but adjudicatio n could not be finalised before the end of the quarter 8. Improved library ICT infrastruc ture systems based on open source software 144 per quarter on average 14500SLIMS addendum to rectify the pricing for the configuratio n of new libraries was only finalized at the end of 3rd the quarter.

22 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 8. Improved library ICT infrastruc ture systems based on open source software Public Internet Access implement ed in 20 communit y libraries 5 per quarter 20000Awarding of the tender delayed, and National Library of SA was in charge of the process. 9. New library structure built 3 Container libraries establishe d in 3 local municipali ties 3 during third quarter. 33 during third quarte r 00Tender evaluated but adjudicatio n could not be finalised before the end of the 3 rd quarter.

23 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 10. Mobile library service used to introduce new library service and reading awarenes s program mes 1 mobile library bus service introduced to promote library services and reading awareness programm es in district. 11000The department could not place an order because the service provider was on hold. And payment for 2 mobile buses for 2009-2010 financial year were only paid on 13/12/201 0. 9. Literacy Campaig ns held in each municipal ity Literacy campaign s held in 21 Local municipali ties 6 on average per quarter. 21523Local municipaliti es are faced with a serious transport challenges and as a solution 1 municipality per district hosted an event which became a district event.

24 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 12. Events held to raise awarenes s of reading books in indigenou s language s in communi ty libraries. 4 events held to raise awareness on reading of books written in indigenou s languages 14120Target was met. 13. Reading awarenes s & library promotio n program mes Promotion al material purchased to support reading awareness & library promotion programm es 14101Due to the two systems (Walker and BAS) not interfacing during the quarter orders could not be captured

25 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 14. Additional staff appointe d to communi ty libraries 24 profession al and additional staff appointed 24 07176 Library Assistants and 1 ICT Technician only resumed duties during December. Other appointmen ts were delayed. 15. Sustaina ble in- service training program mes for skills developm ent 5 training courses provided to communit y library staff 1 on average per quarter 5120Target met

26 Project Name Performan ce Indicator Measureme nt Unit Annual Target Quarte rly Targets Actual perform ance: Quarter under re view Varianc e Explanation 16. Sustaina ble in- service training program mes for skills developm ent 56 communit y librarians awarded the opportunit y to attend profession al 12 people on average per quarter 561258Target met

27 4.1  The total allocation for 2010/11: R59,275,000.00  Total transferred from 1 st to 3 rd quarter was R50,875,100.00  Third Quarter budget and amount transferred to the province in the 3 rd quarter was R15,917,240.  Expenditure for 3 rd quarter R14,107,553.81  Total Expenditure 1 st -3 rd Quarter R34,534,288.84  58% was spent on the initial allocation (Excluding roll over of R13,433,000.00)  BUDGET ALLOCATION INCLUSIVE OF ROLLOVER R72,708,000.

28 Project NameTargetExpenditureVariance 1. District library forums operational in the four district 15,000.0014,930Target met 2. Library material (books, periodicals, toys, etc) purchased 1,500,000.002,236,807.26Most of the service providers were activated during the second quarter hence such high return 3. Service for people with visual disabilities supported in community libraries 445,000.000.00New Procurement procedures were introduced and this delayed the procurement of equipment to establish the minilibs.

29 4. New library structure built 1,600,000.001,000,000.00Transfer payment to Dertig Library project 5. Existing community libraries upgraded & maintained 1,500,000.00R1,254,125.62Only backlog projects form 2009- 2010 were carried out. The department introduced new model which was never implemented this hampered the implementation of the identified projects for 2010- 2011

30 Project NameTargetExpenditureVariance 6. Furniture & other officer equipment purchased for community library 500,000.00702,343.86Furniture was procured for all the identified libraries 7. Security in community libraries upgraded 375,000.00326,923.62Target was met. 8. Vehicle provided to community libraries 362,500.000.00Tender evaluated but adjudication could not be finalised before the end of the quarter 9. Improved library ICT infrastructure 550,000.00826,028.30SLIMS addendum to rectify the pricing for the configuration of new libraries was only finalized at the end of 3rd the quarter 10. Establishment of container libraries 1,200,000.0 0 0Tender evaluated but adjudication could not be finalised before the end of the 3 rd quarter.

31 Project NameTargetExpenditureVariance 11. Mobile library services used to introduce new library services & reading awareness programmes 0.00 Budgeted for in the forth quarter. 12. Literacy campaign held in each local municipality 117,500.0047,956.46Local municipalities are faced with a serious transport challenges and as a solution 1 municipality per district hosted an event which became a district event. 13, Events held to raised awareness of reading books in indigenous languages in community librarie 107,500.00130,967.00Target was met.

32 Project NameTargetExpenditureVariance 14. Additional staff appointed for community libraries 5,748,824.004,024,718.666 Library Assistants and 1 ICT Technician only resumed duties during December. Other appointments were delayed. 15. Sustainable in-service training programmes in line with national and provincial skills developed and implemented 275,000.00197,500.35Target met 16. Reading awareness and library promotion programmes presented in targeted community libraries 150,000.0084,259.90Due to the two systems (Walker and BAS) not interfacing during the quarter orders could not be captured

33 CHALLENGESREMEDIAL STEPS The Department lacks effective system of supply chain management which resulted in delays to approve tenders and appoint service providers to implement projects Improved turn around time to approve tenders and appoint service providers. Evaluation must take place within 14 Days after closing of tender and Adjudication must be done within 7 Days after evaluation and the tender must be awarded within 7 days after Adjudication. The interface of BAS and Walker system caused delays with capturing of orders. Also the misallocation of funds in the system delays placing of orders Finance must ensure that funds are correctly allocated at the beginning of Financial year to improve the time delays with capturing of orders.

34 CHALLENGESREMEDIAL STEPS Delays with filling of vacancies. Post were advertised in May 2010 but were only filled in December and March 2011. The Human Resources Component must improve the turn around time to fill vacancies and adhere to the 3 months period Implementation of capital projects delayed by local municipalities who failed to appoint consultants and contractors on time The Department has taken a decision to take over building projects of community libraries. The Department of Public Works Roads and Transport will serve as implementing Agent. Local Municipalities that have shown commitment will be allowed to finish the projects that were already started.



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