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Take Notes 1 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Notes Return to slide.

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1 Take Notes 1 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Notes Return to slide

2 J421: Analytic Journalism J421: Week IV More Sophisticated Searching

3 Take Notes 3 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 News of the day  Discuss bookmarking utilities  More on sophisticated searching  Types of search engines  Alert tools  More on tools of analysis  How will you use the PR newswire?  Profnet?

4 Take Notes 4 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines  Search Engines & Meta-Search Engines  Subject Directories  Subject Guides   Specialized Databases  The Invisible Web The Invisible Web  Edgar Edgar

5 Take Notes 5 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines: Subject Directories Characteristics:  Hand-selected sites picked by editors, more or less carefully, i.e. Yahoo!  Advanced  ”political campaign contributions”Yahoo!  Organized into hierarchical subject categories  Often annotated with descriptions (not in Yahoo!)  Browse subject categories or search using broad, general terms  NO full-text of documents. Can search only the subject categories and descriptions

6 Take Notes 6 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines: Subject Directories Examples:  Librarians' Internet Index, Infomine, Britannica's Internet Guide, Yahoo!, Galaxy Librarians' Internet IndexInfomine Galaxy Other subject directories:  Looksmart Looksmart  Built into Infoseek, ExciteInfoseekExcite  Most university libraries maintain subject directories

7 Take Notes 7 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines: Subject Guides Characteristics:  Web pages of collections of hypertext links on a subject  Compiled by "expert" subject specialists, agencies, associations, and hobbyists  Locate through special guides to guides or subject directories or sometimes among search engine keyword search results

8 Take Notes 8 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines: Subject Guides Examples:  Guides to guides:  Argus Clearinghouse - Selective collection of topical guides which describe and evaluate Internet-based information resources. Best when you really want to delve into a subject. Argus Clearinghouse  WWW Virtual Library The VL is the oldest catalog of the web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of html and the web itself. Unlike commercial catalogs, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert; even though it isn't the biggest index of the web, the VL pages are widely recognized as being amongst the highest-quality guides to particular sections of the web.WWW Virtual Library

9 Take Notes 9 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Types of Search Engines: Specialized Databases Examples:  Sites listing lots of Databases   – financial, esp. on charaties  Hoover’s – corporate financial Hoover’s  FECInfo FECInfo

10 Take Notes 10 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 The magic search tool  Berkeley’s FIVE-STEP search strategy /Strategies.html /Strategies.html  For a refresher course, see:

11 Take Notes 11 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Finding Newsgroups/listservs  Search with keywords for appropriate news group Finding listservs  Librarians Internet Index  DataList, the catalog of LISTSERV lists! 74,147 public LISTSERV

12 Take Notes 12 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 How many ways to “knowing”?

13 Take Notes 13 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003 Art v. Langley, B.C. Council Can GST be used to understand both of these?

14 Take Notes 14 J421 © J.T.Johnson 2000 ________________________________Fall 2003

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