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Democratic political partystructure on local and regional level 14 maart 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Democratic political partystructure on local and regional level 14 maart 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democratic political partystructure on local and regional level 14 maart 2016

2 Democracy within the party -‘Checks and balances’ -Separation of powers -(CDA: political leader ≠ party-leader) -Accountability -Members are the basis -‘Family-based’- party: -Own responsibility for local en regional branches -Based on CDA- basic principals -

3 Party-structure on regional and local level Party Politicians Regional branchRegional board Members Local branch Local board “without charge or consultation”

4 Responsibilities of local and regional branches -Recruiting: -Members -Candidates -Programm -Campaign Board prepares draft-list and - programm, members vote (one man, one vote or at meetings)

5 Organisations related to and within the party Own board: -Youth movement (< age of 27) -Womens movement -Organisation of local and regional representatives -Scientific institute Within the party: -‘Colourfull’ -Elderly people -Platform for sustainability -Groups of 30-ers -Etc.

6 Questions?

7 Candidates: what must be regulated? Terms of office Imcompatible functions Conflict of interest Representation

8 Recruiting Job-profile Competences At least two candidates (for party-functions) Who is allowed to vote? Diversity

9 Money Financing of political party, campaigns etc - transparancy: gifts must be made public - regulations: max to the height of gifts

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