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Sean Maloney, M.A.,LMHC. Characteristics of Drug Exposed Infants Factors Influencing Effects of Prenatal Exposure Interventions.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean Maloney, M.A.,LMHC. Characteristics of Drug Exposed Infants Factors Influencing Effects of Prenatal Exposure Interventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean Maloney, M.A.,LMHC

2 Characteristics of Drug Exposed Infants Factors Influencing Effects of Prenatal Exposure Interventions

3 Higher risk for: Prematurity Low Birth Weight Small Head Circumference

4 Irritability Tremors Difficult to console Increased muscle tone Decreased muscle tone

5 Difficulty regulating state/rapid state changes Unresponsiveness Prolonged crying, high-pitched crying Easily overstimulated Feeding problems

6 Sleeping problems Gaze aversion Excessive yawning and/or sneezing Difficulty regulating body temperature. Relatively rare.

7 Drugs of Choice Purity - Concentration - Toxins - Method of delivery

8 When taken in pregnancy How long taken - Mother’s tolerance - General physical health

9 Fetal levels - Does it cross the placental barrier? Fetal metabolism


11 Babies communicate with us What precedes crying episodes? Try one thing at a time

12 Support child. Help them feel physically secure. Hold firmly Use a snugli, front pack, etc. Swaddle

13 Avoid: Loud or sudden noises Perfumes/ Strong fragrances Bright lights Temperature fluctuations

14 Try: - “White Noise” - Swing - Gentle touch - Introduce only one stimulus at a time

15 Try smaller amounts of food more often Be careful not to overfeed Use pacifier instead of bottle for comforting

16 Rule out delays Early intervention makes a difference! PT/OT for muscle tone issues Speech and language therapy starting with feeding issues. Social interaction

17 Neurological issues

18 Discuss with your physician.

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